I'm horny.

Musashi said:
My ususal game plan is to bump fur for 1-2 hours.

1-2 hours, huh? what, do you put on a laser light show for her or something during "intermission"?
Chavey said:
1-2 hours, huh? what, do you put on a laser light show for her or something during "intermission"?

1-2 hours isn't that short of a time. I usually bust that early but I can keep going.
Statistics have proven that average time for sex between a man and a woman is around 30 minutes.

In other words:

and i don't concider taking a nap with your p in her v part of this 1-2 hour process.
As an ex pornstar, I think i'll go with what Mushi says.

And I think I'll ignore chavey. Last 10 posts have been particularly low quality. Even for a member.
and without perrin reading my posts my time here is meaningless.
Project2501 said:
Statistics have proven that average time for sex between a man and a woman is around 30 minutes.

In other words:


if that statistic makes you feel comfortable in your lovemaking go with it.

Note, I am a serial bachelor. I do not stay with one girl for more than a month or 2 and havent been in a serious relationship for over 2 years. With high turnover, I don't have the luxury of sucking in bed like the rest of you monogamous folk. If she's not bragging to her friends, I'm doing something wrong and will likely get kicked to the curb. I don't have flowers or tender feelings to offer.
Musashi said:
if that statistic makes you feel comfortable in your lovemaking go with it.

Note, I am a serial bachelor. I do not stay with one girl for more than a month or 2 and havent been in a serious relationship for over 2 years. With high turnover, I don't have the luxury of sucking in bed like the rest of you monogamous folk. If she's not bragging to her friends, I'm doing something wrong.
Yeah, and you also date super models too? :rolleyes:
Wish we could all be as cool as you :-|
I don't think I ever go less then an hour.

Not bumpin' the whole time. But if you got your foreplay system down, it takes a while.

Usual time is 1 hr 30 - 2 hrs for the full process.

And that's with a steady g\f.

This is just to support mushi's claim that not everyone is the average. This is an AVERAGE. There are exceptions to the rule.
[THE]Perrin said:
As an ex pornstar, I think i'll go with what Mushi says.

And I think I'll ignore chavey. Last 10 posts have been particularly low quality. Even for a member.

Although I'm no pornstar :cry:, lasting 2-3 hours isn't that tough.

30-45 min is a quciky.
SLeD said:
ya i did that...then i couldnt blow my load when having sex...Never doing that again. I can last long enough without the pre-game show.

i dont do it unless i have quite a few hours until the deed.

anywhere around 4 hours or less and that'll happen to me

8 hours is a good gap
i've been a serial bachelor for like 3 and a half yrs since my last serious relationship...

when it rains, it rains. when it's dry, it's dry. i'd like to have a consistent monagamous fuck nowadays so i dont mind having a hot gf now.
Project2501 said:
Yeah, and you also date super models too? :rolleyes:
Wish we could all be as cool as you :-|

nope, just strippers and porn starletts.

And you could never be as cool as me.