I'm back, sluts!

I knew that Obibun broke up with his girlfriend because we are the best of friends on Facebook.
2 grand a month tax free.

That's like making 4 grand a month with taxes.

and just to live like a student and complete a fucking Masters in the Arts

not a bad accomplishment if I do say so myself

pat myself on the back for that one

and thanks, nice to see everyone again. hohoho

Unless you're going to a medical school you aren't getting 25k, lie #1

Stipends are taxable unless you spend it all on tuition and school expenses, lie #2

25,000 after taxes would be a yearly income of about $35,200 which isn't much above the poverty line, lie #3

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome does that though, we get it

Oh, your ex girlfriend looks like a horse.
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I wish you well Ob, but I don't believe a thing you've said. :shrug:

And thinking that your income is half taxed is just fucking cuckoo ... makes me wonder if you've worked at all. You're more plausible as a crack dealer.

Do you really expect anyone to believe that a student with your academic background has somehow been accepted into a MA program?

Do you?

So now that we've dispensed of the bs, how's the crack business?
also because this thread has not yet attained another stunning seven pages, I'll roll out a bomb here and say my girlfriend and I broke up about a month and a half ago

It was completely sudden, retarded and unexpected, but in retrospect what else can you expect from a chick who you started dating when she was 20, which in Germany means basically fresh out of highschool?

Coincidentally she started going from loving partner to crazy 22 year old whore quite quickly the minute I got accepted to a Masters back in Canada. ho ho, insecure girl can't deal with this baller heading to a campus full of available ladies

It was a shitty few weeks but in the end it's likely for the best, would make absolutely no sense to keep a girlfriend in Germany when I'm off doing a Masters in Canada in a city full of available puss.

having said that, I currently have about 5 (hot ass) girls lined up to take me out the moment I step off the plane in Toronto. One of whom is an extremely hot chick, who told me she spends a lot of time at the gym working out for her job, and is cute and chill as balls.. and I talked to for two hours before realizing that she was a fucking cop.

So yeah, basically going to be taking drunk joyrides in a police cruiser with a hot hard-bodied girl and getting my friends arrested for kicks. Life's not all that bad.


ed- pic.

not bad for a cop, right? hohohoho. Adam is back in town.

I kind of like Obibun. He's like the Dennis Rodman of TW. That can't rebound. Or play defense. Or fuck Madonna and Carmen Electra. But those things notwithstanding, he's a lot like Dennis Rodman.
obi why do you always post girls that you say are super hot but actually aren't

it's okay to just call a girl cute or not say anything and just post a picture.. i can't speak for everyone, but i'm not going to judge if you do that

also can't wait to hear the excuse about her ring
Obibun calling any of his girlfriends past or present "insecure" is one of the funniest things I've ever read

Also, we are all extremely surprised that she dumped you
"Hot" must mean something different in Canada than it does here in the US. Would I throw it in her? Absolutely. But that's not always saying much.

Also, you began posting less and less pictures of yourself due and your wardrobe was beginning to be purchased from the husky boys section. What I'm saying is, you got doughy, boy. Since you're bragging about being a "minor alcoholic" can we assume you're just plain fat now?
with obibun the jokes write themselves

remember when he pretended 2 be a alpha male? this dude real pathetic
everything in obibuns life is either super awesome baller amazing or disgustingly nerdgin terrible

its like his brain oscillalates widly between two poles

heh heh

psychiatry joke