I'm a redneck who likes to pretend I am in the military.

did he ever explain what the box was for?

The "Box" was to weigh down the gun so much that when fired he would be able to "drive tacks" at long range.

The stupidity of his concept is beyond typical redneck stupidity, down around the clinically retarded range. Possibly downs syndrome area. The first issue is that he seemed to think that by simply attaching a 30 lb cement filled box to his firearm that it would suddenly remove all skill required to actually make long distance shots, or that said weight would suddenly defy physics and make the gunpowder, primer, bullet, barrel, wind, temp, barometric pressure and the earth's rotation suddenly align repeatedly with expected results.
Was thinking the same thing.

I'm starting to think someone has access to all or most of TW's user accounts with what's been happening lately with the Kurayami account and shit

Yep, ryan confirmed this back when TW got hacked a few weeks ago. He claimed to have removed the backdoor tho.
Looked like that manning brother (not peyton the other Super Bowl guy) naked with two shotguns. Dude had a pretty nice dick.
I'm still surprised after post 1, given that this is a forum full of trolls, it took another 3 pages for other people to realize the account was hacked. ya'll need to recalibrate your troll radars