IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover Announced

IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover Announced

Front Page Article

Coming in March, IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover is set during the Battle of Britain. A collector's edition will be available on Ubi's online store with a cloth map, replica spitfire pilot's notes, and 150-page ring binder pilot's manual.


New aircraft: incredibly detailed true-to-life modeling of aircraft systems based on thousands of hours of dedicated research. Every single aircraft component can be damaged for realistic and immensely satisfying results.

  • Flyable aircraft - Over a dozen famous and highly detailed English, German and Italian aircraft available, with all crew positions open to players. Includes Spitfire, Hurricane, Messerschmitt and the Stuka.
  • Non-flyable aircraft - 13 AI controlled aircraft

Immersive game modes:
  • Single-Player Campaign - The player will join the British Air Force to fight the German forces and renegade pilots on his own side.
  • Massive multiplayer - Customizable modes range from simple deathmatch-style free-for-alls to epic, ongoing 128 player battles that can last hours, days, weeks, or even longer.
  • Interactive training - Comprehensive interactive training for new players fly a real WWII trainer plane with a computer controlled instructor through a series of training missions.

Brand new setting: The battle will take place on a large area spanning London and southern England in the north, to Northern France and Belgium in the south. The huge map will contain thousands of historical cities, towns, roads, airfields, radar stations, ports, and industrial areas all located exactly where they were in 1940.

New 3D engine: Latest-gen graphics engine with DX10 and DX11 API support. Huge variety of photorealistic ground vehicles, buildings and other environmental elements recreate minute details of 1940s Europe.

And you need to spend in excess of $100,000 on flight sim peripherals in order to have the slightest chance of even taking off.

I will stick to Google Earth flight sim mode thanks.
Is this just BoB with a new name? Did that ever get released?

edit: after research, yes.
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IL-2 has always been the most realistic WW2 sim, sometimes to its detriment. I do still love it though even though for the most part im terrible at it :p
I was honestly expecting more from the video in terms of graphics. The large battles could be fun. Anyone play Aces High?
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Though with that realism comes a lot more reward.. I mean.. I got a big kick out of finally being able to pull off a carrier landing a corsair in 'pacific'...
It will probably be like Wings of Prey where it has both a realism mode and an arcadey mode for the controls, it's up to you which one you prefer.