if you suddenly can't access TW from home one day....

if you ever can't access the website from a home ip email me because the firewall probably blocked you erroneously. e-mail rayn@tribalwar.com with your home IP so I can identify this rule that keeps blocking people and change it. thanks. i just cleared all blocks. if this recently happened to you, e-mail me your home IP or your username.
because they saw this from work or phone.... or they read this post now that i cleared all blocks.
This is what happened to me, I was blocked at home but could reach it from work because that's a different IP. Could also reach it using my iPhone with wireless turned off. So yeah, the people who are blocked will eventually find their way back here, but trying to surf using an iPhone or at work is tough. Started happening a week ago. Thought the entire web site crash and you didn't have a back up. You do have a backup right? I'll send an e-mail.
I did have some Malware on my computer, cleaned it off. I don't know how when I run the updates all the time, and that thing is supposed to be protecting me, but I ran the full scan, and it came back with a bunch of crap. I wonder if it was spamming this site since I would have been surfing here?

Everyone run a full Malware scan.
If you can't access TW from home one day, STOP HACKING TW YOU FUCKING FUCK.
sometimes your computer makes too many requests to the website too fast and it thinks you're a spammer or something and blocks you. I just disabled some rule for that and fixed NGFM. it happens rarely but sometimes it happens. thanks i'll desticky now that I found the rule that was a problem.
can we get a tapatalk thread stickied asap

it should be updated every day by admin so everyone can know if tapatalk is free or no