If you see that BS image of Australia burning

A few people asked me why I bother arguing with you guys... I wondered this for a while, and I think it was to reinforce that the people who are against helping the world / environment are mostly blindly shouting incoherently.

I don't know if this guy ever leaves TW except when imprisoned or hospitalised... and he's some sort of hero around here. I mean.. literally posts around 25 times per day for years and years...

It's actually a bit irresponsible of the others here to encourage someone with his sorts of problems to push him further down the hole. Like you treat him almost like a mascot and encourage him to continue to embarrass himself for your own amusement.

I think I've made enough of a point at this stage and if you're unable to see how bad your argument is even when using your own articles against you then there's really no possibility of a debate where you have potential to change your views in any way... if you can't even accept the findings regarding CFCs then you're just burying your head in the sand by choice.
There's a predictable response here, which appears to be tw modus operandi, if one person stops arguing, the other person wins... I toyed with the idea of just posting a new link every day to get around this.. I mean there's so many studies proving what I've been arguing I could do it ad infinitum and it'd just end up like the other crud-stains masquerading as 'discussions' on here where people shout at each other with noone changing a single view except to hate each other more. I have no interest in being involved in that. So you can claim victory by having the final post, and I'll claim victory by not wasting my time further, whilst also knowing the lack of coherence in opposition to the points I raised.
You'd rather refuse to believe you (or people you support) were once wrong than be able to grow as a person. It's embarrassing to admit I once voted for conservative parties... but as I read more about what was really going on and the spin that conservatives do to justify their positions it pushed me to the centre-left... I hope one day you can see through it too... but while you're being actively encouraged to be this caricature by the people around here I can't see that happening. But still, good luck...
:lol: double down on the dissonance. There is a reason why nobody can argue with him about most of the shit he says. I mean the best you could do was be thankful he gave you an opinion you could agree with(overpopulation, hint nobody disagrees with this, on any side.). People like kale and kitty does the same shit. But actually make argument against what he says? At this point, thats a unicorn.
ty i mean i don't even want to believe what i believe tbh

that's why i can change opinions so fast

i often get accused of arguing for something and against it at the same time.

which obviously doesn't work with a binary minded rigid apostle like Kuunt

How can I be some extremist zealot when i don't even know wtf i believe at any given second?

at worst I'm like a human bot wanting to transcend basic human emotion to find some kind of truth in a world devoid of it..........even if it makes me sound like an absolute asshole, a dick, or a sociopath. I want to combat a mindset that is slowly allowing us to become devoid of any higher logic or ration. only has collective self destructive ambitions and agendas.

we know that cfc's destroy the ozone layer..... is anyone on the planet not aware of that?

the real question is does the ozone layer replenish itself, via sunlight, faster than we can and were destroying it? we didn't even know that it self healed or created more of itself until less than a decade ago........so of course the scientific predictions of the 80's turned out with major prediction issues.

same as all other climate science before it.......that's all i am saying.

and sadly many environmentalists no longer care about the population issue

the man made part of making men

Time to Fix the Population Fixation | Sierra Club

These readers were understandably worried about the increasing number of people on the planet and the burden it places on natural ecosystems. In their view, because Okollet had so many children, she was doing more harm than good. But the tendency of some environmentalists to blame individuals—in particular, women in developing countries—for the number of children they have is problematic.

This mind-set doesn't take into account the fact that wealthier nations with smaller populations produce more greenhouse gas emissions per capita than poorer nations with larger populations. The annual carbon footprint of the average US resident—if they own a car, eat meat, heat their home with fossil fuels, and/or fly somewhere for vacation—is significantly larger (as much as 15 times larger) than that of Okollet and her children combined.

I mean they don't care that the planet gets destroyed as much as who is destroying it.

That is why Greta will never try to lecture India and China types.........why she will give no criticism to Africa with their explosive population growth.

That is why she only wants to tax the Western world and she admits that it isn't about saving the planet as much as controlling it and ushering in watermelon green ideology. Feel good green on the outside and communist red on the inside.

Why did the environmental movement drop the issue of overpopulation? | Peak Energy Resources, Climate Change, and the Preservation of Knowledge

the more they discuss this the more obvious their true agenda becomes.

The more I want to expose these cultist charlatons for who and what they actually are.
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A few people asked me why I bother arguing with you guys...

ty i mean i don't even want to believe what i believe tbh

that's why i can change opinions so fast

i often get accused of arguing for something and against it at the same time.

which obviously doesn't work with a binary minded rigid apostle like Kuunt

How can I be some extremist zealot when i don't even know wtf i believe at any given second?

at worst I'm like a human bot wanting to transcend basic human emotion to find some kind of truth in a world devoid of it..........even if it makes me sound like an absolute asshole, a dick, or a sociopath. I want to combat a mindset that is slowly allowing us to become devoid of any higher logic or ration. only has collective self destructive ambitions and agendas.

we know that cfc's destroy the ozone layer..... is anyone on the planet not aware of that?

the real question is does the ozone layer replenish itself, via sunlight, faster than we can and were destroying it? we didn't even know that it self healed or created more of itself until less than a decade ago........so of course the scientific predictions of the 80's turned out with major prediction issues.

same as all other climate science before it.......that's all i am saying.

and sadly many environmentalists no longer care about the population issue

the man made part of making men

Time to Fix the Population Fixation | Sierra Club

I mean they don't care that the planet gets destroyed as much as who is destroying it.

That is why Greta will never try to lecture India and China types.........why she will give no criticism to Africa with their explosive population growth.

That is why she only wants to tax the Western world and she admits that it isn't about saving the planet as much as controlling it and ushering in watermelon green ideology. Feel good green on the outside and communist red on the inside.

Why did the environmental movement drop the issue of overpopulation? | Peak Energy Resources, Climate Change, and the Preservation of Knowledge

the more they discuss this the more obvious their true agenda becomes.

The more I want to expose these cultist charlatons for who and what they actually are.
simply being a devils advocate in this day and age is unique. Im most skeptical of the things i 'think' i believe To be true.

i know i don't really know anything and the more i think i know or read the less informed i often feel and in some ways might actually become.

that's why i love messing with and harassing people who swear they have all the answers for everyone..........are selling me on a perfectly customized one size fits all universal truth.

one that they don't even practice or bother to want to pay for themselves.
I'm just skeptical of endless problems that can be solved simply by more of my money being taken.
It's concerning that climate change policy is a main driver for a voter to shift their voting to the left. The marxist ideals of the left are concerning. In Australia, like many other places, the Greens masquerade as an environmental party but it's just a lure. Once you get through the thin hide of the watermelon* party you quickly realise it's a platform for socialists and communists.

It's sad to see people with good intentions for the environment suddenly wanting to up welfare for dole bludgers, hit the top end harder on tax, hate on big business, hate on nuclear power, stop mining (geezus we are a minerals rich nation ffs), gluing themselves to roads, want to open borders to 3rd world war torn shitholes, increase pay and conditions for public sector (even more)... and their intentions generally all started out with environmental cause like saving a whale, or preserving some old house, or a big tree.

People on the right care for the environment. If the Greens stopped with the marxist BS they would have far more support, but the Greens can't because marxism is at their core.

If the Greens were fair dinkum about this stuff they would learn how to blend capitalism with environmentalism and win votes. For the average brain washed woke sheep, the concept of blending capitalism with environmentalism is impossible, because too many woke's think and communicate in 'absolutes' (all/none/every).

*Watermelon, green on the outside, red on the inside.