If you ran TW...


my pronouns are..
Veteran XX
What would you do? TribalWar is slowly fading away. We no longer have a game that drives us together. We no longer have a single purpose that rallies us. We no longer even have the deep friendships that saved us from falling apart years ago.

I do not ask this in an official capacity. TribalWar will continue going as it is and will still be supported by myself and the rest of the TW staff for as long as it can be afforded. I simply wonder what others would do to insure its survival.

A forum alone can only survive with fresh members, original content and genuine discussion. The members of this forum tend to push away outsiders. The original content developed here is not interesting to any but the people that are already here. And the discussion resorts to name calling and derisiveness.

If you had the power to implement change, what would you do? How would you insure the survival of this site and this community?
no idea

but news posted here is always great to read

hatemongering occasionally is funny

the end
omg i still love the clash
I'm just waiting for people to get bored with all the pretty games and come back to T1 base for the competition...
but not for t4
Start a small ladder and just work it until it...
Make complete T1 configs available here ... that are more stable than mine (I don't know why some people have problems with it, but they do).
Invite/push for more people to try it.
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Ban the the assholes who ruin it

Move on to new games/interests

Advertise that we exist thru the use of digg, youtube, and other resources.

I don't think anyone generally hates members its more of a way of passage. Like Fight Club where they make them sit on the porch for 3 days and call them names.

I would also do away with the 15 day time before posting in general. At least make it shorter. 3 days?

Basically accept the fact this is now a forum that is not based on a game anymore and a forum where you can pretty much say/do whatever.

The real issue is the old drama that stinks the place up.
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Ban the fucking stalker/weirdo/creepy people that ruin TW.. w/out question. I'd put up with 10 million Kurayamis to get rid of 1 of the posters that know way too much about TW posters or use TW as a live journal to document their weird fucking lives.

That reason alone has caused me to think about quitting reading the forums multiple times.
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Create a general discussion for people who are vet 2 and under that anyone vet 3 plus cannot view. kinda like the opposite of no members only forum. might help the newer members stay and encourage people to join and have fun in a place that isnt so oppressive.

have maybe one day per month in which an admin creates a digg thread that all forum members are encouraged to digg. might get some new members that way with a few hundred diggs.

create a TW lottery. people can buy a "lottery ticket" for 1 or 2 or whatever dollars, and as many tickets as they want. once a week or month or whatever, a winner is selected by a random program. half of the winnings go to the winner, the other half go to TW for upkeep as "donations". anyone who enters the lottery gets like a 1-month contributer tag.

create a forum template, like work safe, but the opposite. allow members to post NWS direct-link pictures without warning. AKA, porn sets/videos/etc. if they mark their thread NWS with, say, a check-box or other forum option while creating the thread, it will either not show up on WS template or be labeled as such via different color or something. kinda like a pignore of NWS. anyone who doesnt properly label their thread NWS when creating it get an auto ban for a week or something.
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trying to turn tw into a gaming news website has already failed, we need to focus on the strongest part of the website which is obviously the forums
i know at this point its tough to do it, but i think we should find something new to rally around

again, i know that we wont be able to have the same type of camaraderie as tribes, but even with games like the west i have alot of fun hanging out with tw people and dominating something.
Create a general discussion for people who are vet 2 and under that anyone vet 3 plus cannot view. kinda like the opposite of no members only forum. might help the newer members stay and encourage people to join and have fun in a place that isnt so oppressive.

That's a pretty neat idea, actually. It could work, up to the point where all the trolls register smurfs and make the <= vet2 forum even more of a shithole than GD (ie. about an hour).
you fucked up this forum when you drove out a lot of the really old-school posters during your little stalinistic purges
What would you do? TribalWar is slowly fading away. We no longer have a game that drives us together. We no longer have a single purpose that rallies us. We no longer even have the deep friendships that saved us from falling apart years ago.

I do not ask this in an official capacity. TribalWar will continue going as it is and will still be supported by myself and the rest of the TW staff for as long as it can be afforded. I simply wonder what others would do to insure its survival.

A forum alone can only survive with fresh members, original content and genuine discussion. The members of this forum tend to push away outsiders. The original content developed here is not interesting to any but the people that are already here. And the discussion resorts to name calling and derisiveness.

If you had the power to implement change, what would you do? How would you insure the survival of this site and this community?

I'd ban all people who bring online to real life crap down like fraggle and co.
Other than that there is nothing you can do.

Maybe hope a new tribes games comes out sometime.

I really dont like that kura is gone.