If you grew up after they made these toys illegal, I feel sorry for you

i had one i broke it during combat trials..first day. it was the vietnam era AR of kid-dom
I had one of those, or something like it, looked like an uzi

I never had these though damnit:

i remember in Los Angeles a kid in teh apartments i lived in had a whole set of these...
Lazer Tag commercial - YouTube

and we would get some epic games going on through the entire apartment complex. Till one day a kid pulled one on a cop and got shot and his dad took them away.

we also had lawn darts too.
ohh and since we are on awesome 80's toys ...
Had all of these. The green guns with the head piece would drill a piece of plastic into your head like a jackhammer right into your temple. Laser tag but with the worst shot recognition ever

/nuff said

Holy shit. So my Mom pulls out this old basket of toys that me and my brother had when we were kids. She pulled the basket out for my son, who is now almost 3. We couldn't believe she still had it. In that basket were those Jarts, and I was so hesitant to throw them because they suddenly seemed so dangerous for little kids....
I loved jarts, and yeah the original clackers would crack sometimes but dang they were odd fun. The biggest problem with the original clackers was the strings were a bit thin and when they broke those balls could go flying.

when i went to preschool i remember them having a slip and slide down a 45 degree hill

5 year olds were hitting 40mph down that fucking thing