If you believe in a God, what is your description?

Well, your conscious/personality/soul are just electrical signals in your brain hard-wired to things like a personality matrix, past experiences, etc.

I don't see this as a major faith thing. Scientically, the human can more or less be completely explained.

Humans weren't created by a God, or anything like that. It's quite obvious that we're merely sentient beings evolved from etc. etc.

However, when you go further down the ladder, all the way to the bottom, particle physics and all..

What created the smallest units of existence? What created the dimension of time? What created the entire universe? I have a hard time believing it just came to be.

What created the original bang that apparently started everything? What was there before that?

This leads into crazy loop-theories and etc., because time can't possibly have a beginning and end. Things can't just have been not there, and then, ooh look something exploded. What caused it? What caused the things that caused that?

How did the dimension known as time come to be?



It's some shit that I just can't wrap my mind around.

its best not wrap your mind too tightly around unknowns or you'll go nuts, or even worse, become religious :)

these unknowns are best left to those few who are capable and willing to study them. for example in order to truly ponder string theory one should be first fully versed in areas that may best help support or refute their thought process such as the latest research involving quantum entanglement for example.

but the worst thing that can happen, and happens all too often, is for one to ponder the nature of the universe with just their knowledge from physics 101. not inferring you here, but just the general case of folks, especially the religious ones, who use their limited knowledge of science to make wild conclusions.
Find the bull.

Tame the bull.

Transcend the bull.

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I have never seen proof of God nor anything supernatural in nature in this world. God doesn't exist and neither do souls. We are our brains and nothing more. If there is a God he is one sick fuck to allow people to suffer as they do.
I have never seen proof of God nor anything supernatural in nature in this world. God doesn't exist and neither do souls. We are our brains and nothing more. If there is a God he is one sick fuck to allow people to suffer as they do.

What if "he" could do nothing to prevent it?
I have never seen proof of God nor anything supernatural in nature in this world.
It's called "faith".

If there is a God he is one sick fuck to allow people to suffer as they do.
It's called "free will".

The fact that you have never seen evidence of God is not proof of His non-existence, and God allows people to suffer because He allows Man to do whatever the fuck we want (which includes cruelty to our fellow man).

And before you attack me for my backwards religious beliefs, I'm neither religious nor backwards. I respect your beliefs (or lack of them, in this case). What I don't respect is anyone attempting to dissuade someone from their belief.
It's called "faith".

It's called "free will".

The fact that you have never seen evidence of God is not proof of His non-existence, and God allows people to suffer because He allows Man to do whatever the fuck we want (which includes cruelty to our fellow man).

And before you attack me for my backwards religious beliefs, I'm neither religious nor backwards. I respect your beliefs (or lack of them, in this case). What I don't respect is anyone attempting to dissuade someone from their belief.
by that same regard I can say that there is a celestial teapot orbiting the earth and just because you can't see it doesn't make it not true. You cannot go through life believing in something just because there is no proof that it does not exist. That's how you drown witches and burn them at the stake. Ignorance and intolerance flow from believing in things that have no proof. Find some other way to get meaning out of life than believing in imaginary beings.
You cannot go through life believing in something just because there is no proof that it does not exist.
People who believe in God don't do so because there's no proof He doesn't exist.

Again, it's called "faith".

Look, I can't "see" abstract concepts or emotions like love, but I know love exists. I feel it. I see (what I perceive to be) proof of its existence in things around me. God is kind of like that.
I personally think that anyone who says, "Oh, there is definitely a God" or "Oh, there is definitely not a God" is ignorant since it is nigh impossible to know for sure.
It's called "faith".
What I don't respect is anyone attempting to dissuade someone from their belief.

What if one's beliefs will invariably lead to infringement of another's rights?

If someone tells me that their god told them to kill people, I will try to dissuade them of their beliefs.
It's called "faith".

It's called "free will".

The fact that you have never seen evidence of God is not proof of His non-existence, and God allows people to suffer because He allows Man to do whatever the fuck we want (which includes cruelty to our fellow man).

And before you attack me for my backwards religious beliefs, I'm neither religious nor backwards. I respect your beliefs (or lack of them, in this case). What I don't respect is anyone attempting to dissuade someone from their belief.

i guess you don't respect modern education (not just american) then. it dissuades people form their beliefs all the time with regards to evolution vs creation.

just because someone believes something does not and should not make them immune from criticism of their beliefs. i dont respect anyone who actually believes that faith should be immune to criticism.
yo gort how does "free will" explain small pox or the living conditions of 3rd world countries

entropy would make a pretty worthy omniscient god
edit: until people start worshipping it, as they're wont to do
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I don't believe in the concept of God. Power comes from knowledge and given our limited way of viewing the universe, we can't comprehend the upper limit of knowledge. If some being created the universe then what created that being? Does that being have a God? I consider myself agnostic because if we ever do have proof of a God, how will we be sure that it really is God?

I leave room for the possibility that our universe was "created". I also like the idea that it wasn't created. A noncreationist view actually makes the universe more impressive and mysterious. My biggest belief is in the complete dismissal of faith. I think hope is healthy but faith is just plain stupid. I may hope that there is some awesome after-life but I'm not going to blindly believe in one.