If you believe in a God, what is your description?

I have faith in some higher being if only because it makes sense, scientifically speaking.

Compared to, for example, micro-organisms - we are huge godly beings capable of manipulating everything about their living world. We can create, we can destroy, we can alter, etc. Granted, they don't know this because they're not exactly sentient, but..

What's so silly about believing that we are merely micro-organisms to some huge floating sentient gas-entity that is the size of several galaxies, or something?

I don't believe in God in the classical view, but I do have faith in something. I just don't know what. Life's too short not to believe in something.

ed- And I hope to fuck there's some awesome afterlife, because shit, I can't even begin to comprehend not existing.
aka you're a stoner.
so i guess you wouldn't be thrilled if i made a thread entitled [BREAKING] Olaf is KombatWombat
i managed to take a rare snapshot of my god:

here he is at a party
an example of what my god (2nd law of thermodynamics) accomplished:

early man had a simple mind incapable of grasping him so they chose to attribute anything they saw to false gods. my god was pissed so he killed them off by inspiring them to fight amongst one another over inconsistent beliefs. he awarded the few who didnt get involved and rewarded them with greater intelligence. the heathens were jealous and numerous and elected morons to combat these intellectites, and even made a thread about it.

who created him you ask? well he always existed.
If its one of the more major religions such as Hinduism or Catholicism or something I'd still like to hear your basic belief and if you diverge from these religions in any way I would be interested in your personal modification of the religion. I'm very interested in what the people of the world believe. Also, throw in something about the afterlife too. Please tell me your region of the world as well. To the serious ones, thanks. I'll begin.

I think of God in the classical deist point of view. By that I mean that I think God created the universe and everything in it in one instance and left it up to us. I believe this instance exists within God and that this instance is right now (and eternal). The only way I can clarify this is by evoking an image that is more of a metaphor for something I can't explain. I think we're in the mind of God and that the universe is just a creation inside of his mind (remember, this is just a way of describing it and not a precise description). I believe he is all forgiving and that there is nothing we could possibly do to ever have God not be an all loving entity toward humans. I do not believe in a heaven or hell. For myself, I've narrowed the afterlife down to two possibilities. The first is the obvious eternal sleep. The second I would describe as a place with no image or setting where you can communicate freely amongst everyone that has died. I feel as if religion is an underestimation of God and his vast potential. To clarify (once again) I think that religion distracts humans from the true meaning of God and that many things described in the holy books of other religions is generally an underestimation of Gods power. What the hell is a seventh day to rest... you're God! :)
Region: Atlanta, Georgia

If you believe in a god or in gods, you are a theist. Oh wait... nevermind.

Knowing me, Alan Partridge, knowing you, Steve Coogan.
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aka you're a stoner.

I wish, life would be a lot simpler.

Obibun, I definitely don't think life is too short to think about these sorts of things. Its the evolution of the mind.

Olaf, that's not what I was saying. I said that life is too short to not believe in anything.. i.e. Athiesm. What's the point? You're going to die soon, you might as well have some faith.
i believe that something created everything and nothing

other then that it doesnt have to be defined

I wish, life would be a lot simpler.

Olaf, that's not what I was saying. I said that life is too short to not believe in anything.. i.e. Athiesm. What's the point? You're going to die soon, you might as well have some faith.

Ah ok I misread. I consider atheism to be a religion actually. They take it that fanatically and love to tell me about how atheist they are haha.
I'm agnostic, but I think that if there is a God (or gods) then he is most likely an observer in the universe and has no control over the little happenings in life.

When you die I'm pretty sure you go back to how it was before you were born: nothingness.
If you ask me, I think it's almost as ridiculous to be athiest as it is to be devout christian.

One is the complete denial of anything existing, and one is the complete confidence of something existing. Both are ridiculous concepts.

When evidence clearly leads to doubt in both. Having faith in something is a fair middle ground, I think.
I'm agnostic, but I think that if there is a God (or gods) then he is most likely an observer in the universe and has no control over the little happenings in life.

When you die I'm pretty sure you go back to how it was before you were born: nothingness.

You sound pretty close to what I believe, other than I have a full belief in some sort of God. Let me ask you though. If you are born and you die, where does your conscious/personality/soul come from?
You sound pretty close to what I believe, other than I have a full belief in some sort of God. Let me ask you though. If you are born and you die, where does your conscious/personality/soul come from?

I doubt there is a soul. Consciousness comes from your brain.
You sound pretty close to what I believe, other than I have a full belief in some sort of God. Let me ask you though. If you are born and you die, where does your conscious/personality/soul come from?

Well, your conscious/personality/soul are just electrical signals in your brain hard-wired to things like a personality matrix, past experiences, etc.

I don't see this as a major faith thing. Scientically, the human can more or less be completely explained.

Humans weren't created by a God, or anything like that. It's quite obvious that we're merely sentient beings evolved from etc. etc.

However, when you go further down the ladder, all the way to the bottom, particle physics and all..

What created the smallest units of existence? What created the dimension of time? What created the entire universe? I have a hard time believing it just came to be.

What created the original bang that apparently started everything? What was there before that?

This leads into crazy loop-theories and etc., because time can't possibly have a beginning and end. Things can't just have been not there, and then, ooh look something exploded. What caused it? What caused the things that caused that?

How did the dimension known as time come to be?



It's some shit that I just can't wrap my mind around.