If I had a Portal Gun....

Portals don't allow you to time travel you fucking idiot.

God, we're trying ot have a serious discussion here and you're shitting all over it.

I mean, FUCK.
After reading yours I can only think of ideas to create electricity.... I'd use the portal gun to harness the Sun's energy here on earth... shoot earth, shoot sun. Use the heat to boil water, and use the steam to push a turbine.

you are now aware
Assuming the orange portal can travel forever until reaching a solid surface, I would place the orange portal on mars and use the blue one to transport vast bodies of water and plant life to the planet thus enabling it to sustain life. Once it has reached T3, I would place the blue portal in mexico so that colonization can begin.
id definitely go to the airport and put one end on the side of a plane

and whenever people pissed me off id just shoot a portal under them
FFS some of you have never seen the video i was referencing

jessus H christ come on out of the cave people.