I think its time to send in the troops to deal with these beaners [pics]

The only natural resource they have is slave labor which we get from them anyways so why bother taking them over........oh wait we allready are buying up all their land now that you don't have to be a mexican citizen to own property.

Which reminds me I need to make a run for the border to go invest in some property myself.
RespectYourEagle said:
This country couldn't FUCKING run without Mexicans. You spoiled fucks sure as hell won't be caught dead doing the work they do FOR OUR COUNTRY! Fucking Racists! Talking all sorts of BS, if we took out all of our Mexican Immigrants then where the fuck would we be? It's funny how people bitch about Mexican immigrants but then enjoy the benefits of them working for us every single fucking day, minus the worker benefits us Citizens get. Go Fuck yourselves. I wish we could send them back so we can watch how quickly we will be begging them to come back. Send them all, even there kids, then we will see how our country runs without them.


What an idiot. If we sent the wetbacks back to mexico what would happen? Oh yeah, a lot of jobs would open up for unemployed U.S. citizens, you know the ones that pay taxes and vote. Yeah, those people. But no, you're right, lets have illegal immigrants so some companies can get rich off cheap labor and actual citizens can be out of a job.

On the pictures: that shit pisses me off. Don't come to my country and disrespect it by putting your shit flag over mine.
Just so we all understand one another:

you guys saying "omg those beaners with those signs and shit, fucking idiots" -- that's great, but you realize that the law is on the side of the dude with that sign, right? Freedom of speech?

Just checking.

I think most of the protesters are idiots, but then again, I think that most of the world, and certainly most of tw, are idiots.
freedom of speech yes..but I would think taking down the american flag, putting your countries flag over it, and putting our flag upside down would be like illegal and stuff? Maybe not though.
RespectYourEagle said:
This country couldn't FUCKING run without Mexicans. You spoiled fucks sure as hell won't be caught dead doing the work they do FOR OUR COUNTRY! Fucking Racists! Talking all sorts of BS, if we took out all of our Mexican Immigrants then where the fuck would we be? It's funny how people bitch about Mexican immigrants but then enjoy the benefits of them working for us every single fucking day, minus the worker benefits us Citizens get. Go Fuck yourselves. I wish we could send them back so we can watch how quickly we will be begging them to come back. Send them all, even there kids, then we will see how our country runs without them.

:rofl: People have and will do the same jobs Mexicans do and when these farms and kitchens have to pay a fair wage they will realize that they get higher caliber American workers to do the jobs. What you are too stupid to realize is that nobody wants to keep all mexicans out of America you overreacting moron. What is so racist and tragic about expecting people to obey the laws of this country when they come here?
mr_luc said:
Just so we all understand one another:

you guys saying "omg those beaners with those signs and shit, fucking idiots" -- that's great, but you realize that the law is on the side of the dude with that sign, right? Freedom of speech?

Just checking.

I think most of the protesters are idiots, but then again, I think that most of the world, and certainly most of tw, are idiots.

with taxes comes freedom of speech
brIck said:

What an idiot. If we sent the wetbacks back to mexico what would happen? Oh yeah, a lot of jobs would open up for unemployed U.S. citizens, you know the ones that pay taxes and vote. Yeah, those people. But no, you're right, lets have illegal immigrants so some companies can get rich off cheap labor and actual citizens can be out of a job.

On the pictures: that shit pisses me off. Don't come to my country and disrespect it by putting your shit flag over mine.

Yeah you got a brick for a brain if you think AMERICAN CITIZENS are going to be rushing to pick up the jobs the Mexicans are doing now. Im sure everyone here laughed at that comment you fucking IDOT!!! There is a reason why they are here; because no one else wants their jobs ASHOLE!! THINK MOTHER FUCKER THINK!!
hardluck said:
freedom of speech yes..but I would think taking down the american flag, putting your countries flag over it, and putting our flag upside down would be like illegal and stuff? Maybe not though.
Well, that's why I didn't respond to that, because that's an example of something that by its very definition can't be widely done. So regardless of how reasonable most protesters are (which is probably not very reasonable, but also -- to engage in stereotyping -- probably a bit too sleepy to be involved in Rodney King style riots), that flag thing has happened once and was perpetrated by a small group of people. Whereas people walking around with signs is universal.

But regardless of reasonableness, I frankly can't see how it would be reasonable to have a law against that kind of expression. Now, if they broke a law in doing it on someone else's property, that I understand. If they were to do that in their own front yard, fine. They can burn a flag on their own front lawn, why not have it upside-down?
RespectYourEagle said:
Yeah you got a brick for a brain if you think AMERICAN CITIZENS are going to be rushing to pick up the jobs the Mexicans are doing now. Im sure everyone here laughed at that comment you fucking IDOT!!! There is a reason why they are here; because no one else wants their jobs ASHOLE!! THINK MOTHER FUCKER THINK!!

they are here because we allow employers to hire people for less than minimum wage. Plenty of people would do the jobs for a fair wage you idiot.
RespectYourEagle said:
Im sure everyone here laughed at that comment you fucking IDOT!!! There is a reason why they are here; because no one else wants their jobs ASHOLE!! THINK MOTHER FUCKER THINK!!

No we are laughing at you.
and, No, they are here because their country sucks and we have no border security.
i seriously hope all illegal immigrants get deported

straight up

you can come back when you've learned to speak english, filled out the necessary paperwork, passed your exams, and paid your entrance fees. next in line please, move along...