I think its time to send in the troops to deal with these beaners [pics]


Veteran X



You know why they drive lowriders?

So they can pick lettuce while they drive.
Why wasn't Jesus born in Mexico?

They couldn't find a virgin and three wise men.

I can't quite read the name of the HS in the first image, but since it's in Engrish, I'm guessing it's in the States somewhere.

Not good. Freedom of Speech, but also Freedom of Stupidity.
I ran over a Mexican and he stole my hubcaps. Then he came to my house and mowed my lawn while eating a burrito.
What the fuck is so hard about applying for citizenship? If you stupid fucks want to live here, do the paperwork. Hell, that's what this country is about half the time anyway, paperwork.
chunky munky said:
Mexico is a crap hole. Why do they act so proud of it yet still live in the US? Mexico is a crap hole.

no shit, I see all the beaners running around here with the mexican flag/colors/country reference. If you like it so much, go back there to live!
Or apply for fucking citizenship and PAY FUCKING INCOME TAXES bitches!!!
i dont know which is worse. a citizen waving their mexican pride bs, or an illegal waving their mexican pride bs.

either way, they are huge hypocrits.
it's the fucking lebonease or whatver around here
fuckign stop waving your flags on your cars, your shirts and your backpack
Why don't they go and fix their own fucking country?

Did you know, that people entering from the South Mexican boarder are jailed? Gee, what a double standard. They want to enter the USA with no restrictions, yet they don't let Houdouros in.
prowler said:
racism is really funny guys these jokes never get old

Wahhhh bitch

It isnt racism but these guys are fucking moronic. They come to US for a better life and want to turn it into Mexico.

I have a question, If I left TW to join SA, and started posting "SA Should be TW go TW". That is fucking moronic, if I wanted to post on TW I could go the fuck back anytime.

If you don't see the retardation in the act of hoisting a mexican flag and being a stupid beaner who skips class and sucks ass then yah. America values productive labor, and shit like this only hurts them. Instead of protesting and shit they should go home and teach their children values like education and thought (stuff that actually gets you somewhere). Protesting and running around like hooligans in the street really does a lot of good.
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prowler said:
racism is really funny guys these jokes never get old

:lol: You are such a fucking faggot. Crying about wet-back jokes only days after telling a guy you hope his son gets kidnapped.