I really hate....

Neutrino said:
Anyone that has time for grammar isn't thinking about more important things.

It's typically a crutch for the weak minded to point out they really are good at something. ;)

i never think about the important things if i tried to do that i would probably be succesful
I understand the meaning perfectly. You don't just "change" a habit especially if you use it 24/7. Sure you can catch yourself in the act before you say it but ultimately it is subconcious.

edit: It's not like a button you press.
puncho said:
No, it should be subconcious so that you don't even have to think about it. Then that means you have the command of the language you've been speaking since whenever.

When in a job interview, when writing a paper for college, when writing a paper that could potentially be published in a journal, my correct use of grammar is subconscious. Maybe here and there I have a simple grammatical mistake, where I may interchange 2 words or even 2 letters (but docs say I don't have dyslexia :shrug:), but for the most part, writing a 5, 10 page paper there are few grammatical errors, and if there are, other than the above mentioned, they are errors based on rules that are obsure or I never heard of (and that has happened a few times in college).
Well I'm not talking about grammar cause I suck at it too :p

I'm talking about the "your" "you're" "its" "it's", etc.
and you're-your it's-its etc. I know, although I may be tired and miss them with I post, I usually see and correct them.

Too-to, Than-then. those, I suck at.
Quit whining, Mike (you damned illiterate).

Just because of this post, I believe that I'm going to start triple checking every single post I make on TW for spelling, punctuation, grammar and capitalization.

Thank you, and have a pleasant day. :finger:
puncho said:
Well I'm not talking about grammar cause I suck at it too :p

I'm talking about the "your" "you're" "its" "it's", etc.

As far as it's/its, have you never missed the apostrophe while typing quickly, particualrly in IRC? I do all the time, when I'm typing fast for something.

For you're/your, it's a similar thing. Just because I, or someone else, mistypes it once doesn't mean I, or anyone else, lack command of the language.

And sorry, I don't have a need to go back and spell check/grammar check my posts. If it's a real blatant error, I'll go back and edit. Otherwise, fuck it, I have better things to do, other threads to read/reply to, etc.
When I use the Internet for communication, I like the people I'm communicating with to understand me... the first time. Spelling, grammar, and structure are an important part of that. I go for brevity whenever possible, but not at the sake of proper English.

To each his own though... :shrug:
Tatiyana said:
do you not understand the meaning or is it grammatically incorrect for some strange reason? All I am saying is my habits of using incorrect grammar with friends changes to using almost perfect grammar with professionals or writing a scholarly-type essay.
Do you not understand the meaning of the expression "old habits die hard?"

It is merely self-delusion for someone to think that they can magically change their habit of writing poorly to that of proper writing--for they have been in the habit of poor writing far too long...and it will show.
fuken biaches iz nut mah fault eye grew up in d a hood an I dun no hoe to spel right hole shit stup[ corectin me bitches ok ?
Hyperion said:
fuken biaches iz nut mah fault eye grew up in d a hood an I dun no hoe to spel right hole shit stup[ corectin me bitches ok ?

"falt" not "fault"
Hyperion said:
fuken biaches iz nut mah fault eye grew up in d a hood an I dun no hoe to spel right hole shit stup[ corectin me bitches ok ?
Michigan State grants you 20pts on your admission application! Come in son! Come in!
People who pick on someone's spelling.. well, they do it because they don't really have anything better to say to you...
Anguish said:
People who pick on someone's spelling.. well, they do it because they don't really have anything better to say to you...
Yeah, my english teacher was exactly like that! You're a genius Angy!
FngrBANG said:
Do you not understand the meaning of the expression "old habits die hard?"

It is merely self-delusion for someone to think that they can magically change their habit of writing poorly to that of proper writing--for they have been in the habit of poor writing far too long...and it will show.

K, would you like to see copies of my most recent essays. According to professors, friends, and others who have read my essays, I write extremely well, and on the first try. I'm never absolutely perfect. no one is, but it's always close on the frist try (and I mean grammatically).

edit what I am trying to say is that the way I speak/type in one situation does not carry over into another situation. I'm never perfect with my grammar/spelling, no one is, but my use of prepositions to end a sentence or saying "Me and my friends" rather than "my friends and I" never appear, and it is subconscious. I do not have to think about it to write it out correctly or speak correctly when in a professional setting (job interview etc). :shrug:
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