I made contact with Rayn

and we don't understand the low-t matching tattoo thing either.

it's all a matter of perspective, i suppose :shrug:
and we don't understand the low-t matching tattoo thing either.

it's all a matter of perspective, i suppose :shrug:
I honestly have no regrets about that tattoo or all the others I've gotten since. And I really don't care what any of you think about them. If it makes you feel better to point it out every time I post then totally do it. I like myself; I don't go online to get my affirmations.

I like you. We disagree on many things but you're not a dick.

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nice deflection attempt. I like when people try to drag others in the mud get caught up being wrong then attempt to then drag someone else into the mix to deflect the fact that they have way too much time on their hands and still cant get their story straight. It's you way of turning all threads into a shit storm that really makes this place meh. You can keep trying to justify it but lets be real here man. Look at your post count since you joined. You literally never shut up lol.

stop being such a triggered little faggot

I found it......I knew it was like your name as someone I can't bother or care to remember

Yes I'm a ward of the state, but only because the only way my family could solve the problems created by the market was to go to the government and say "sorry" we can't afford free market solutions...please give us some socialism..

not my fault you might as well be the same poster

besides Fallhawk already holding down the faggot award for any and all threads he visits
haha whos triggered? you actually fuckinjg went and spent all that time trying to find it...

JFC you are soo fucking sad lolol HAHA
you u silly little bitch

zanthious, zomnivore

lots of zzzzzzzzzzzzzz posters that put us to sleep with their bitch tears online about free speech on internet all day

he was less of a little bitch than you are about it tbh
there are so many tears so few tissues

we just have to shut the place down

the high attention posters "who don't come here for others approval"

yet constantly need validation and or masochistic pleasure from online ridicule is at critical mass

maybe you guys can summon STONES and KURA back from the dead to play with you

tele, let's do this forum a favor, to save it. let's stop posting all together. what say you?

I know they want to run us off......that is the point of their posting

why I post so much to offset them (like ST did)

but at the same time when we don't post they go nuts as well

cael never chinged and chonged so hard as he did last week

like a baby bird who needed some worms

so listening to the GONG SHOW without an audience is worth it

so count me in


I'll be back when they kill themselves from drowning in their own tears

or dehydration
u dont have to announce ur autism solidarity in every thread

u can just not post and shut the fuck up :lol:
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