I just installed Ubuntu

I don't really know much about what you're doing with HD, but maybe try xubuntu for that low end pc.

But I don't know if xubuntu would support that or if Gentoo is faster.

I'm streaming HD video from my Suse Myth box. Because my box is slow, it stutters on playback just a bit.

Xubuntu wouldn't help. Gentoo allows you to compile a kernel for your specific CPU to extract the last tiny bit of performance out of it. You can fully optimize your kernel for the exact CPU and chipset you have.
I can't get the sound driver to work in audio applications. It works fine for system sounds and watching flash movies in a browser. But amarok and such just won't work, no matter which driver I try. They just play through the file instantly which means there is an error with sending the output.
Any suggestions?

You dont have mp3, divx etc codecs installed.

Use easyubuntu to get them.
yeah gentoo is the ultimate in performance, and honestly you shouldn't install ubuntu until you've done a gentoo install on your own and got it to work. It'll probably take you a week, but you'll learn waht you're doing and you'll appreciate the ubuntu ease afterward
well it depends on which stage you install, but yes, it is as complicated as everyone makes it seem. It's one of the few that really makes you mess with configuration files, init.d entries, etc. You learn the system.

Now, if you do a GRP install, no, it isn't very complex. But actually building a gentoo install, especially a stage 1 install, may even be too complex for you to do successfully right now.
What a coincidence, I just got rid of ubuntu. I hated how it was set to the default OS to boot to in the bootloader.
What a coincidence, I just got rid of ubuntu. I hated how it was set to the default OS to boot to in the bootloader.

You know, all you have to do to fix that is change a number in the /boot/grub/grub.conf file. Change it to the number for the Windows entry. Heck, you can even make it display instead of skipping the loader by default, so you're sure to boot into windows.
You know, all you have to do to fix that is change a number in the /boot/grub/grub.conf file. Change it to the number for the Windows entry. Heck, you can even make it display instead of skipping the loader by default, so you're sure to boot into windows.

Too late, it's gone. I also have no need for ubuntu.
wtf. I have never been someone to say windows sucks. I love windows. I love Microsoft. I bought a Zune, I plan on buying Vista as soon as its released, and I think bashing microsoft for everything is stupid.

Im hardly a fanboy.
Yes, he's been a fanboy for a while. "Yay linux! windoze sucks!!! nobody needs windows and M$$$$!"

Windows hating is not the only reason to install Linux you know. Learning how to do general sys admin stuff in a Linux environment is worth a LOT of money in the technical field.
yeah gentoo is the ultimate in performance, and honestly you shouldn't install ubuntu until you've done a gentoo install on your own and got it to work. It'll probably take you a week, but you'll learn waht you're doing and you'll appreciate the ubuntu ease afterward

What in god's name are you talking about? A Linux newbie has no business messing with Gentoo. I've been messing with Linux since 1995, and I'm just now to the point where some the Gentoo crap makes sense.

If anything, I point people towards Ubuntu for the first install, then Redhat or Suse for the 2nd, then maybe start messing with Debian, etc - but I would never throw someone headfirst into Gentoo. They'd be turned off immediately and never touch Linux again.
The main reason I installed linux was because I was bored at the end of my freshman year of college and I was curious to see how linux worked. Not to mention someone posted a thread with some sick looking screenshots from linux. I still use both windows xp and Ubuntu. Actually, I have been using only windows xpfor almost the entire semester with the exception of my mythtv box. I was taking a couple classes that required me to install and use special software that could not be run in ubuntu.