I just heard on the radio that Hillary is running in 2004

Buk Naked said:
Margaret Thatcher
Indira Gandhi
Others I'm too stupid to know about.

If you're the leader of world's greatest military and financial power, I think people will take you seriously.
Shhhhh... you are letting intelligence seep into the thread, jackass!
Try not to forget the Queen of England.

Although the royals have not real power now, back in the day they Queen of England ruled an empire on which the sun never sat....

and i don't think she had any trouble being respected, and remember this was at a time when even the 'civilized' world viewed women as chattel.
Lots of misinformation and bad opinions

I haven't read anything today, so i don't know if she's made a move,

but this is coming off a Quinnepiac Poll (one of the nations leading polling groups) that sampled registered voters

51% for bush in 2004
48% for Hilary in 2004

+- 3%, this is the first dem to break even against bush,

So i assume she may make intentions to:

Form a committee (they due these to analyze the feasability of the candidate) and then decide..

She'd be able to catch up on funding no problem.
It's amazing how thousands of troops and the weapons to back them up can elevate 2nd class citizens to being respected by the entire world.

Anyways the point still lies within, Hillary does have a point. When the dems eventually do lose in 2004, they will prolly be desperate enough in 2008 to give her the nod.
WarAngel said:
Try not to forget the Queen of England.

Although the royals have not real power now, back in the day they Queen of England ruled an empire on which the sun never sat....

and i don't think she had any trouble being respected, and remember this was at a time when even the 'civilized' world viewed women as chattel.

You're correct. :)

Not everyone hates women or views them as non equals.

However their are a few countries that stone women if they are not covered from head to toe including their faces.
Skibbi9 said:
Lots of misinformation and bad opinions

I haven't read anything today, so i don't know if she's made a move,

but this is coming off a Quinnepiac Poll (one of the nations leading polling groups) that sampled registered voters

51% for bush in 2004
48% for Hilary in 2004

+- 3%, this is the first dem to break even against bush,

So i assume she may make intentions to:

Form a committee (they due these to analyze the feasability of the candidate) and then decide..

She'd be able to catch up on funding no problem.

Yea, how big of a sample and where was it taken? I don't trust polls one bit. Hell look at what happened in 2000.
Skibbi9 said:
Lots of misinformation and bad opinions

I haven't read anything today, so i don't know if she's made a move,

but this is coming off a Quinnepiac Poll (one of the nations leading polling groups) that sampled registered voters

51% for bush in 2004
48% for Hilary in 2004

+- 3%, this is the first dem to break even against bush,

So i assume she may make intentions to:

Form a committee (they due these to analyze the feasability of the candidate) and then decide..

She'd be able to catch up on funding no problem.
I saw that poll. It was of a whopping 1,000 peeps, not even 50% of which were Dems. I was surprised it was so close though to be sure. Given how most dems I know still think of her husband as a savior, and given the fact that unlike Gore she actually has a personality, who knows... she might actually win.

But she still ain't gonna run in 2004 imho.
{A} PR24 said:
You're correct. :)

Not everyone hates women or views them as non equals.

However their are a few countries that stone women if they are not covered from head to toe including their faces.
Those are the same countries we invade to take their oil. They won't matter for much longer.
{A} PR24 said:
What part of my post are you having trouble understanding? Women are like owning a cow in some counties. :lol:

Women are to be seen not heard, and if men have grown up their entire life with those truitions and morals we are not going to change that.

If you want to make this country go down the shitter vote for a woman and watch what happens.

I heard it was going to be in 2008 also. :shrug:
Merlock said:
It's amazing how thousands of troops and the weapons to back them up can elevate 2nd class citizens to being respected by the entire world.

Anyways the point still lies within, Hillary does have a point. When the dems eventually do lose in 2004, they will prolly be desperate enough in 2008 to give her the nod.

I just hope that someone replaces Bush. Bush jr is just of an idiot at Bush Sr was/is. Part of this war was for his daddy.
Merlock said:
(Still wishing McCain had the ballz to run against Bush)

I think saying McCain doesn't have the balls to do something is kinda ludicrous, one of the all-time real life badasses.

I wouldn't be surprised to see him as Bush's VP with plans on two terms of his own after that.
Leonidas Tzu said:
Because she's essentially the only "well-known" dem candidate. I'm liberal and I would never consider supporting her :\. Hillary vs Bush......ugh...I'd prefer not to even think about that.

I hear you, i lean conservative and I do like bush, but when it comes to a presidency, I prefer 2 strong choices. I want the best possible candidate running for both the dems and the republicans (or independant). What I do not want is any chance of the wrong person in the most critical job. To me the Clintons are both horrible, not because they are left, but because they are scum. I wouldn't want trent lott in office either. I hope Kerry, gets the democratic Nod, i think he is the best choice and I believe he would make a decent president if Bush didn't win (which is my choice). I wish Powell would run as a democrat, then i would indeed vote left.
{A} PR24 said:
I just hope that someone replaces Bush. Bush jr is just of an idiot at Bush Sr was/is. Part of this war was for his daddy.


But the point being, you better hope Hillary runs then, and wins. Because if you think Lieberfuck or Gephardt or even Kerry has a chance against him, you are horribly mistaken. All those guys alienate far too large a portion of their voter base.
Merlock said:
All those guys alienate far too large a portion of their voter base.

you listen to too much conservative news sources, i do not believe they alienate their voter base for one minute.