I haven't posted in like 5 years..


Veteran XX
SharpShooter famously signed up for a TW fantasy league and then refused to pay his dues when he got some bad picks (or something uber lame like that). Another member paid for him but was never reimbursed.
I have no recollection of the fantasy thing. Can't say I did or didn't do it. Sorry if I did to whoever it mattered to. And yeah, I just used TW to do things at the end, if I recall.

This place sure got a lot more hostile.
I have no recollection of the fantasy thing. Can't say I did or didn't do it. Sorry if I did to whoever it mattered to. And yeah, I just used TW to do things at the end, if I recall.

This place sure got a lot more hostile.

Because we all forget things like welshing on a bet.
I literally have no recollection of even playing in a TW fantasy league. I was probably in college at the time and doing drugs and drinking a lot. If you can find the person I owe, I'll pay them back.

I worked on a movie with FSB-SPY if he's still around. I forgot to ever post to TW like I said I would. Sorry, SPY.
Also, the reason I posted was because I found that image on an old desktop I fired up for the first time in years and I have no idea what it was but knew it was TW related.
Tell us of your gout. Tell us of your bursitis. Tell us that you fell down a hill and broke your hip. Tell us goddamit TELL US. But tell us quick and tell us loud for we cannot hear or remember where our assholes are. Do you know where the asshole is? We seek the asshole.
Do you remember killing those gay guys after fucking them.?

U video taped it but you paid me not to show it to the french authorities but now its in the hands of the North korean Government.
^I don't know what the two posts above mean but you guys are big meanies. SPY if you're reading this, I'm working on something in Atlanta. Hope you're killing it.

After looking at the front page and jogging my memory, this is all I remember about TW: Juggernaught had a bunch of pics of him wearing all denim while buying a car and the salesman awkwardly posing for a bunch of pics after buying said cars, Triple was shaped like a pear, Colosus sat on a laptop or stole one or some shit, Fancy was in the Navy and wore a banana Halloween costume, people always hated on Reggs but I thought he was cool and well dressed and he owned it, umm.. there was a guy with red hair that got naked a lot and was generally creepy.. gloshen maybe?

I'll see you fucks in 2021.
I remember the name Ratbert but not anything else.

What have you been up to in the last 5 years, give us the ELI5.

Then get your Contributor tag so you can return in another 5 years and still find us here.
Juggernaught had a bunch of pics of him wearing all denim while buying a car and the salesman awkwardly posing for a bunch of pics after buying said cars

NGFM :ftard:

umm.. there was a guy with red hair that got naked a lot and was generally creepy.. gloshen maybe?

I'll see you fucks in 2021.


welcome back.