i have cornosa virus


Is that Jerry rice behind you?
they always say wash yor hands... but htf does that help vs a disease u breath in.

stupid scientissss!

It is like taking a shower. One must soap both the pits and the anus.

Corona gets you by:

1) Breathing in someone's droplet/virus infected air after they breath, cough, or sneeze.

2) Touching something that has the virus and then touching your face.

This means you gotta wash your hands and stop breathing.

I'm also working on holding my breath for when I go grocery shopping. I'm up to a solid 60 seconds now. When I enter the store I just elbow the shit out of everyone in my path, including small children and elderly women. Fuck 'em cus it's all about me. They could practice holding their breath and elbow bashing too, but they are lazy af, so that's on them.

But yeah, wash them hands when you get back home boys...

And as always, protect thine anus with soap and proper cleaning.
The sore throat is gone now. Happy about that.

I go straight from the toilet to the shower in the morning. Wash my junk real good every time.
There's about 20 people who go into work, mostly accounting people who don't have a laptop.

I simply cannot believe there are accounting people who can't work from home.

They do absolutely nothing that requires any use of office space or facilities.
It is like taking a shower. One must soap both the pits and the anus.

Corona gets you by:

1) Breathing in someone's droplet/virus infected air after they breath, cough, or sneeze.

2) Touching something that has the virus and then touching your face.

This means you gotta wash your hands and stop breathing.

I'm also working on holding my breath for when I go grocery shopping. I'm up to a solid 60 seconds now. When I enter the store I just elbow the shit out of everyone in my path, including small children and elderly women. Fuck 'em cus it's all about me. They could practice holding their breath and elbow bashing too, but they are lazy af, so that's on them.

But yeah, wash them hands when you get back home boys...

And as always, protect thine anus with soap and proper cleaning.

y is #2 so hard for people to avoid... bunch of dirty nose pickers everywhere

and who bring their kids to grocery store, shits child abuse.

btw i havent been out for like 5 weeks now. only far enuf to take out the trash... settin some new record i think :boogie:
i thought for like 5 years now that you were jersey trash tw buddy dionysus

have i been giving you too much credit
this just in. i have been a witness to a first-hand medical breakthrough in the fight against corona. doctors have been saying for weeks now the only way to slow the virus is fat. but fat isn't a cure. i was bed bound on the brink of death for two days and woke up today feeling okay enough to have a smoke. the virus has been in extreme remission ever since!

fat to slow the virus. cigarettes to kill it. we now know the cure. spread the word across america. on april 4th, humanity fights back!
I'm already on my 8th cig just finishing your post.
Thanks for passing on the knowledge.