I hate niggers


Veteran XV
I'm just tired of black people, I have to listen to them scream, fight and chimp out all day long, the beautiful park I live right next to has been destroyed by litter and drugs caused by packs of niggers congregating there. I can't even walk my dog one block without seeing niggers doing blow and shooting up. This America isn't the America my grandparents fought and died for. It's a fucking disgrace and you should be ashamed if you're a nigger or a cuck supporting and not acknowledging this chimp animalistic behavior ravaging the fucking country. I'm not proud or patriotic at all for this shithole and I'm getting out as soon as I can. Fuck niggers and fuck kikes.

Well, you won't be running for political office if your real name is tied to this login. The internet never forgets. You will be cancelled if your name is out there.

If it's that bad, then you move which is called White flight.
The Tapatalk ad for this. [emoji38]

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i love when NGFM feels the need to explain simple concepts like 'if white ppl move, its called white flight'
i love when NGFM feels the need to explain simple concepts like 'if white ppl move, its called white flight'

can't be hatin' on his truth bombs

i wonder what ngfm is like at work, like at the water cooler or coffee machine. is he just constantly explaining things to random coworkers?
yea it's getting out of hand.
used to be I saw a black person once a month in here.... now I see em' weekly.
And they've all been polite...
I trust no-one though!
can't be hatin' on his truth bombs

i wonder what ngfm is like at work, like at the water cooler or coffee machine. is he just constantly explaining things to random coworkers?

actually i worked with a guy who was super sperged (but a great engineer) and it was exactly like this. it became a problem because our meetings would run for two hours while he explained to everyone for instance that code needs to be compiled before it can run.
yea it's getting out of hand.
used to be I saw a black person once a month in here.... now I see em' weekly.
And they've all been polite...
I trust no-one though!

There's a big difference between a black person and the word used here.
i thought trannies were supposed to be inclusive and caring about other types of people
maybe kill yourself
i wonder what ngfm is like at work, like at the water cooler or coffee machine. is he just constantly explaining things to random coworkers?

Naw, there's one co-worker who is my friend. We go to happy hour and talk about this stuff, he gets it. With everyone else, it's programming talk or small talk if they ask about my personal stuff. I don't drink coffee, and I eat lunch at home unless going with the co-worker. So I'm not in the lunch room that much. Lately, we've been working from home.