I had to put my cat to sleep yesterday...now in morning :(

Yeah I can relate, the last few days you could tell my cat was really uncomfortable and it was really tough to watch...she started sleeping in really odd places and was constantly trying to get outside (she's been an indoor cat her entire life). I let her out in the yard a couple of times this past week before we took her to the vet and she just wandered around smelling shit and laying down every couple of feet because she would get so worn out.

We used to take them outside about a dozen times during the summer with a harness and 30ft leash, stake it in the ground and let them wander all over the yard and I think she wanted to do that again before she died.

I probably should have put her down a couple of days earlier but I was being a selfish piece of shit and didn't want to let her go.

All these cats are pretty fucking awesome in this thread :)

Thriky's longhair has the same texture as my cat, just with different coloration....mine was tiny tiny though, and never got bigger than 6.5 lbs and was absolutely dwarfed by my orange one.
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