I had to put my cat to sleep yesterday...now in morning :(


Veteran XX
She was 13 and her kidneys failed. Putting an animal to sleep that is still aware of what is going on around them is maybe one of the worst things ever ugh :(

In two weeks she went from 6.5 lbs to 3.0 lbs despite eating and drinking voraciously at times...was horrible to watch.

Pets suck sometimes :(




Sucks man .... I feel for you... A pretty cat!

On the bright side if there is one is that you can save a perfectly healthy animal from being put to sleep

Got her the day I moved out of my parent's house...my mom found her in a dumpster at work while they were evicting some insane cat lady that had 80+ cats and a bunch of piss, shit, and carcasses in her house. She was only maybe six weeks old or so and already eating trash to survive. They ended up euthanizing about 50% of the cats so I don't know what would have happened to her otherwise.

Was the only cat I ever have seen that literally played fetch repeatedly...like throw her a toy mouse, she'd bring it back, drop it at your feet and wait for you to throw it again. Perfect lap cat too, just would chill in your lap for hours if you wanted her to, or was fine with you dumping her on the floor until you were ready. Got another cat who is six and he doesn't know WTF to do since he can't find her. It's honestly heartbreaking to watch.
We brought 2 cats with us when we came here 12 years ago, sisters from the same litter. They hit 15 this month. One is a bit sick but the other one looks like she could go for ever. When I was a kid we had a cat that lived to 23.

Your cat looked like it didn't give a fuck.

Been there twice man, it sucks :(

BUT, if you go rescue a new kitten, you can begin a new family and you just have to assume it's what your cat would want. At least that's how I rationalized it after putting the two cats I grew up with down a few years ago (about a year apart, Kidney failure for first one at 14, other just slowly shut down after). Now I have two new cats that are awesome :D
well it sounds like you gave Whiskey a great life you should look at the bright side.

she was bound to be a junk yard/euthanized cat but you saved her from that. :)
this is my other cat, he rocks too


Not sure how long it'll be before I get another one...if one of a similar personality finds me I'll save her. Both my cats are rescues, one (the orange one above) is an "official" rescue from a shelter, my one that just died like I mentioned was pulled out of a dumpster but still counts :)

thanks for the support though...much appreciated.
Haha sweet, your cat sleeps in the same weird-ass way as mine. They're both rescues too, maybe it's a 'was born unwanted' kind of thing. :(
