i fucking hate israel

NPT declaration to name Israel - Middle East - Al Jazeera English
nuclear non prolif treaty to name israel
thats something i guess
"The United States’ long-standing position on Middle East peace and security remains unchanged, including its unshakeable commitment to Israel’s security."
my question is, why us?
why not europe?
why cant we just wash our fucking hands of Israels security

btw i'm not just anti-israel aid/security police force
i dont think america should be world police anywhere
give troops to the UN and participate in those endeavors if we must

Israelis taunting a Palestinian woman after being evicted to make room for Jewish settlers.

Nuke the whole region.

That's just awful.
Israel is so bad that even David Duke expresses a lot of sympathies for Palestinians in his radio and web video shows.
Al Jazeera English - Middle East - Israeli 'nuclear offer' to S Africa
Allister Sparks, a political commentator and former editor of South Africa's Rand Daily Mail newspaper, told Al Jazeera that the confirmation of a relationship between Israel and the apartheid regime came as no surprise.

"Israel will obviously come out and deny this evidence and label anyone who takes it seriously as being anti-Semites," he said, "but this makes it more difficult for Israel to hold the respect of the world."

Documents show South Africa wanted missiles as a 'deterrent' [The Guardian]
The documents confirm accounts by Dieter Gerhardt, a former South African naval commander, jailed in 1983 for spying for the Soviet Union.

After his release following the collapse of apartheid, Gerhardt said there was an agreement between Israel and South Africa called "Chalet", which involved an offer by Israel to arm eight Jericho missiles with "special warheads".

According to the paper, Gerhardt said these were atomic bombs. But until now there has been no documentary evidence of the offer.
the funny thing about that is that most south africans and rhodesians will readily admit that their countries ran MUCH better under apartheid than they do now.

stop trolling goshin.
i can agree with that
when africans get the reins of their nation, shit goes south quick which is sad :(

what does that have to do with the fact israel has nukes, doesn't disclose it, and were actively trying to block/cover up the story?

also i was mainly laughing at the guy's statement that israel will say the report is anti-semetic

semites include palestinians btw
What he said.

Typically Israel is not the aggressor.

You dont see Israelis strapping bombs to their chests, getting on buses and blowing people up. How do you defend against that? How do you retaliate? The extremists are fucking sick and demented, Israel is doing what it can, which is not enough unfortunately.
^Faggot Jew sympathizer.

You're right. Israel doesn't strap bombs on their chests. They used the billions we give them, and hire assassins. Much more classy.
the funny thing about that is that most south africans and rhodesians will readily admit that their countries ran MUCH better under apartheid than they do now.

stop trolling goshin.

Apartheid = good? Good to know.
the funny thing about that is that most south africans and rhodesians will readily admit that their countries ran MUCH better under apartheid than they do now.

stop trolling goshin.

Are you seriously going here? wtf eph
Palestinians are tools that are used against Israel by all the other Arab countries in the region.
lesser races need to be managed by the more intelligent races

thats the core belief for apartheid systems, right?
You dont embargo the entire nation for 2 missles a day that explode on empty desert land never killing shit.

so, because they can't aim for shit, that makes it OK? sweet

by that logic, if someone fires a gun at you and misses, you would smile and wait for him to take as many shots as he needs?
Palestinians are tools that are used against Israel by all the other Arab countries in the region.

Exactly, but the other Arab countries don't want them either, look at the way Jordan etc treated them before Israel was around