i bought a kitty

SideSlash said:
yeah, it's a female tortie. 9 weeks old!

and for whoever asked, she LOVES climbing on things.. that might be a bad thing, but oh well, it is adorable to watch. if you pick her up, she climbs right up your chest onto your shoulders and walks back and forth. and if you hold your arm out she walks out onto that (like picture 2).

she's really affectionate too, loves rubbing up against your face if you come close, and loves being petted.

Awesome looking cat. And good job saving her from the shelter, you and your girlfriend are way cool for that!

I'll post pics of our two Torties later on. The one you are adopting and our younger cat look like twins.
i'm allergic to cats and one almost tore my thumb off. i kill cats on sight in my head but it never really plays out.