i bought a kitty

SideSlash said:
from the animal shelter

Less pics of the cat, more pics of the woman holding the cat.
Does it like sitting on your shoulder or are you just forcing it up there?

btw guys, cats generally look scared in pictures like this because of the BRIGHT FLASHY LIGHT IN THEIR EYES OMG.


HI dudes i forgot i posted this thread.

i don't have her yet, my adoption appointment is tuesday, so she's at the shelter till then.

but yeah, she's not sad or angry, she's one of the most playful, silly kittens i've ever seen, which is why i had to get her

and she's not ugly, she's cute as sh*T, you guys would agree if you saw her irl. i might take a video next time i'm there. she's also alot smaller than she looks in those pictures (check out hand to head ratio in first pic.. and my gf has small hands).

and she's actually living with my family till i go home for the summer.
and my family wants a cat too and they are probably going to love her so i'm gonna have to save another one :(

oh well! :)
I used to work at a Vet and we did free follow up visits to cats rescued from local shelters. About 70% would come in with upper respitory infections, ear mites, and or intestinal parasites. Just so you know, so if you do get a follow up visit for free, take them up on it and if she's got a soft stool, try and bring a sample so they can check it. Takes about a week to two for them to get adjusted.

yeah, it's a female tortie. 9 weeks old!

and for whoever asked, she LOVES climbing on things.. that might be a bad thing, but oh well, it is adorable to watch. if you pick her up, she climbs right up your chest onto your shoulders and walks back and forth. and if you hold your arm out she walks out onto that (like picture 2).

she's really affectionate too, loves rubbing up against your face if you come close, and loves being petted.
good one, do you kill cats at rap concerts while decked out in abercrombie pants and an AE jacket to prove how tough you are strife?