I am voting for Donald Trump.

Dems only want to take guns away from those who reasonably should not possess them. NRA wants everyone to have many guns.
He's going to be like the ugly friend girls have to make them look prettier. I can't fucking wait til the first debate, Aug. 6.
Dems only want to take guns away from those who reasonably should not possess them. NRA wants everyone to have many guns.

The problem is democrats (who generally live in urban areas) want to stop urban violence, and a big part of how you do that is getting rid of guns. Banning certain types of guns. It might not stop the violence, that'll never happen, but it'll keep these guys off the street longer because they'll be breaking more laws when they get pulled over with a banned firearm.

No one really gives a shit if you hunt in the woods or want to defend your family. If you gave everyone a gun in alaska, I doubt much would change. If you gave everyone a gun in new york city, watch the fuck out. If the NRA could process that distinction we'd all be a lot safer.
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The problem is democrats (who generally live in urban areas) want to stop urban violence, and a big part of how you do that is getting rid of guns. Banning certain types of guns. It might not stop the violence, that'll never happen, but it'll keep these guys off the street longer because they'll be breaking more laws when they get pulled over with a banned firearm.

No one really gives a shit if you hunt in the woods or want to defend your family. If you gave everyone a gun in alaska, I doubt much would change. If you gave everyone a gun in new york city, watch the fuck out. If the NRA could process that distinction we'd all be a lot safer.

But laws cover the entire state/country. If you could process that distinction, you would know that.

Cities don't have giant walls around them to keep the guns out. Not that it matters with our southern border being wide open anyway. If you declared all guns illegal and confiscated them, they would still find a way in, and only then it would be mostly the criminal element that possesses them.

If you want to stop urban crime (or well, slow it down), you have to fix the culture of death and frankly, the only way you can do that is to nuke the inner cities.
They were also using Trump's name as flight vectors. Various names such as Trump, Donald, and URFired. Trump didn't even know about this until now, it was a hidden honor. Flight vectors are points where planes fly. They are not straight lines from one city to another, but points on a map, or travel lanes. The FAA is removing his names from their vector list (mostly over the WPB area).
i think donald trump is racist enough to be the proper candidate
hopefully he picks elon musk or kumar from white castle as his VP
honestly if someone picks musk as director of science and technology of the country and also congress, i'll vote for that person regardless of any other issue they have
for too long has some fuck like CRUZ been in charge of SCIENCE

its like putting creationist fucks what think dinos and man fucked each other in charge of the nation's text books

which we also did
Trump is making heads explode. This is great entertainment. The guy doesn't have a chance at winning but he sure is pissing people off.