I am pretty much never going to South America now

Post this in the Craigslist travel forum if you want to troll.

They hate it when I tell people to stay away from South America, especially Mexico. The haters will say nothing is wrong with going there.
GOOD! I'm glad there are fake stories like this in order to scare you all

Stay in your homes in middle america while i see the entire planet and have more adventures in one day than you losers will ever have in your entire life

Just stay home please, you already ruined Prague

You are trying to hard Amino. Tone it down a few notches to make it more believable.
make what more believable?

even fraggle confirmed i just got back to the US from 6 months of backpacking over 20 different countries, he picked me up from the dam airport
I swam in a small lake with piranhas in ecuador after our guide said it was safe. Apparently they're like sharks as in they're attracted to the scent of blood.