I am pretty much never going to South America now



 vegetarian relative of the piranha 
Pacus used to be sold as "piranhas" all of the time.


Also a close relative of the piranha.
They're vicious. They tear fish flakes apart in seconds.
If you nerdlings want a reason to not go to South America, go look up the candiru.
That is a fish that you should be afraid of.
Because I'd much rather die than deal with what some unfortunate men have had to endure from that.

ok thats fucked up. im never going to s. america now.
This was covered in Planet Earth. They didn't even come close to attacking the diver, who was unprotected.
I would assume then that that skull boater was already dead in his capsize boat, and the fish nibbled clean what was dangling in the water?

Fucking hell, given what the humans do to each other there I already know not to travel in SA.
I am talking about this with a friend. The thing I pointed out is why would they just attack his head and hand while completely avoiding meaty parts of a human body like the butt or stomach? Still pretty messed up either way be it a piranha attack or not.

probably wearing a Jumpsuit, and the better question is....how would a boat like that tip over, in such calm waters
if that was a body dumped into the the lake/river then I can see that happening. I'm sure everyone here has seen the video of the dead lamb lowered into a tank full of piranha
looks like the guy was on a boat that capsized, probably injured and unconscious

the fish took over from there once they smelled the blood

i would have few problems swimming in the amazon as long as i'm not the first in the water ;]

pic 10 spinal column and skull not proportionate...unless he was a mutant.

Also ruling IN that its not, he probably drowned and was eaten at for a while.
due to eye socket LACK THERE OF TEAR DAMAGE...i say fake.
There would be Holes where his sockets were not laid over flesh.
haha used to catch em all the time in brazil... hungry bastards bite every minute an you can rail em right out..

it was fun letting them eat grass straws and shit.. never more than back then i realised how hard these bitches can bite :D brazillian kids just swimming in the water with those piranhas though everywhere.. a lot of the locals said that it's bullshit mainly about the piranhas being so agressive.. you'd have to bleed really really hard they said before they would go at you.. they swom with caymans all day too lol..
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GOOD! I'm glad there are fake stories like this in order to scare you all

Stay in your homes in middle america while i see the entire planet and have more adventures in one day than you losers will ever have in your entire life

Just stay home please, you already ruined Prague