How stupid must you be...

it looks like it didn't ignite until after ejection - he would have been only 1/4 as fucked at an outdoor range. am i missing something?
I saw this vid and read about it yesterday and there was no mention of incendiary rounds - just gunpowder residue buildup and poor ventilation

TW gun experts what say you
I saw this vid and read about it yesterday and there was no mention of incendiary rounds - just gunpowder residue buildup and poor ventilation

TW gun experts what say you

those were obviously dragon's breath incendiary rounds.

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It said they were using Dragon's Breath rounds, which are as incendiary as an incendiary round can be...
It looks like the flash fire begins on the ground in front of the bench after a hot ejected shell casing falls to the floor. Either the shell casing ignited something under the bench or some remnant incendiary material from the fired round remained in the casing or was collecting on the ground in front of the bench . It looked like a match in gasoline on the ground.

The incendiary rounds use magnesium, which burns violently and extremely hot. You can not extinguish a magnesium fire with water because of this, so when the flash fire triggered the sprinkler system to dump gallons of water onto burning magnesium it created hydrogen and oxygen gas which acted as accelerants. They probably had boxes of unused incendiary rounds that then caught fire adding even more magnesium to the conflagration.


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dragons breath rounds shouldnt even fucking be available for consumers. There is no fucking reason to ever use these for a non warfare.
name one reason where these are fucking viable. i will defend alot of gun shit but these just cause fucking problems and fires everytime someone gets them lol.
Shut up and go to your safe space faggot, this thread is for people who actually understand the 2nd Amendment
name one reason where these are fucking viable. i will defend alot of gun shit but these just cause fucking problems and fires everytime someone gets them lol.

Let's just ban fireworks and everything else that might cause a fire like matches ffs GTFO of here
dragons breath rounds shouldnt even fucking be available for consumers. There is no fucking reason to ever use these for a non warfare.

what about when the consumers have to rise up and topple a corrupt and tyrannical US government?
what about when the consumers have to rise up and topple a corrupt and tyrannical US government?

next time you quote me atleast try and read what you quote lol.

i said non warefare.

and havax just trolling some ppls and obviously never shoots shit. The whole point of picking up brass out in the field is to not start fires meanwhile ppl shooting rounds made just to set shit on fire and people acting like they didnt know that shit was going to go down.

atleast fireworks have a function other than fire. you dont see ppl at the shooting range shooting roman candles at targets lol.
What the fuck did you expect...a group of fucking idiot cops playing with shit they have no idea how to use or when to use it. The only group of citizens that shouldn't be allowed firearms. With any luck they all died or better yet were horribly disfigured so every time they look in the mirror they are reminded of their stupidity