How much you spend on black friday?

$90 Snowboard Jacket
$70 Snowboard pants
$90 Snowboard Boots
$25 Snowboard Hat
$70 Ipod dock and speaker

1300$ or so
1000 on 42" Panasonic thingy at Bestbuy
70$ on an external 250 G HD
60$ on an internal 250 G HD
5$ on 100 DVD pack
80$ on some DVD-recorder my father wanted
a mem stick or something
10$ Arrested development Season 3
and a couple of other little things.
I'm $2835 poorer today

But I got some insane shit for that money

1 Stainless steel fridgidare sidebyside Refridgerator $750
1 whirlpool Washer $250
1 whirlpool Dryer $250
1 Italian Leather Sofa $800
1 Microwave $50
1 Dyson Vacuum
19" LCD Flat-Panel Monitor for bathroom

motherfucker i should've gone furniture shopping, thats a brilliant idea.
personally i spent $20 at express. i got a dress shirt and a hat. i also got some blank DVDs and a CD case online at amazon that were free after rebate.

jew power
was gonna drop 800 for a tv
instead, bought hoodie,clothes, and edward scissorhands for
25 + 8 +5 =38 - 5 dollar discount = $32!!
512mb will hold 1000 bmps?


Yes, it will hold 1000+ of whatever format it saves in. When you turn the camera on, it'll show how many it can hold. 1578 pictures or 33 minutes of video. And quality is at highest. It is only a 3.1MP camera though, but it serves it's purposes perfectly.
Shopping on Black Friday for Christmas gifts might make sense, but most people buy stuff for themselves, and ironically most of that stuff will be cheaper "after" christmas without the media blitzed hordes of shoppers.

I spent $10 on gas.

I dropped about $30 between Aldi and Target for groceries.

I know, this is pretty gripping stuff.

I spent $10 on gas.

I dropped about $30 between Aldi and Target for groceries.

I know, this is pretty gripping stuff.

Please keep us updated on what you're making with the groceries, oh god, I'm not going to sleep tonight. My hands are shaking as I type this, this is indeed gripping stuff. :)
Topps is going out of business in Ohio, and stuff is 30% off storewide (except beer.) I bought about 60 bucks worth of stuff. Oh and I bought a Dell laptop online for about 700. (25% off)