How much you spend on black friday?

Yeah.. boxing day (it's a stat holiday here too) is the day after xmas. It's kind of like "we have all this extra stock of shit we didnt sell, so here it is at a big discount" kind of thing.
Why do you insist on drinking crap?
What? I drink the Bud to start a buzz, then the Barcardi Limon and Coke to finish it. Didn't get nothing at BB because the freaking line went around the building at midnight. Flippers suck, that's what they're called now. Fucking Flippers. I'm getting buzzed to get over it. Now I'll have to wait until after the holidays to find a laptop online. That's ok, I'll get one with Vista already installed.
What? I drink the Bud to start a buzz, then the Barcardi Limon and Coke to finish it. Didn't get nothing at BB because the freaking line went around the building at midnight. Flippers suck, that's what they're called now. Fucking Flippers. I'm getting buzzed to get over it. Now I'll have to wait until after the holidays to find a laptop online. That's ok, I'll get one with Vista already installed.

Let me get this straight, you're getting loaded because you didn't get a cheap laptop? And you think Bud is not crap? NGFM, you make me laugh.
I think I'm going to drop about $15 on gas later, if that counts.

I might also go grocery shopping.

Don't worry tdub, I'll keep you posted.
Let me get this straight, you're getting loaded because you didn't get a cheap laptop? And you think Bud is not crap? NGFM, you make me laugh.
I had a shitty day. Went to BB at midnight, line went around the building. Had to go to work and sit in a cube all day. So the bosses are out, and I decide to take a 2 hour lunch and go home. Guess what? There's an accident on the expressway, I sit in traffic for an hour before everyone goes down an exit ramp to get off the highway. So yeah, I need a few drinks. This day sucked. I'm sure it could be worse, because I saw an accident of the people trying to get off the highway. This van turns around, starts going down the exit ramp, and a pickup truck follows and bumps them front behind, oh well.