How many here still play Wow?

giving welfare epics that were comparable w top-end raid/pvp epics was a fatal mistake the game never really recovered from

the past few xpacs have been p good about making the welfare epics significantly nerfed compared to the real epics but u just literally walk to a vendor and buy it for nothing so everyones wearing purples but theres a significant difference between a welfare epic and a heroic/mythic raid epic

shadowlands has been really bad about the itemization and gear level comapred to the level of difficulty

it used to be u ran dungeons before t1 raid, then t1 raid for t2 raid, etc

now u clear a heroic raid to get the gear good enough to clear the same raid on heroic its fucking retarded

but having 4 levels of raid is a great thing for the health of the game

shitters are stuck in looking-for-raid and normal difficulties, heroics are competent players and mythics are the sweaty autists
I don't fault anyone who wants to shit on WoW, but let's have a little perspective into what gaming in 2022 has devolved into:

i play classic on sat and sun mornings top raid w a group of friends
i play normal on weds and thurs evenings to raid the newest content
i barely touch it outside of those days nowadays

yerah you barely touch it except for 4/7 days of the week

i play classic on sat and sun mornings top raid w a group of friends
i play normal on weds and thurs evenings to raid the newest content
i barely touch it outside of those days nowadays

When did you break up with your girlfriend?
i didnt we live 2gthr and are v happy
its crazy how u can balance ur work, ur hobbies and a relationship
its almost like being an adult
That plays wow

and raids 4 days a week for an unspecified time even though many of us know how much time is required for raids...

Just kidding. I play ESO but, I am single and a workaholic so I can do that.
i raid 2 hours on wednesday nights and 2 hours on thursday nights tho we always start late so its more like 90 minutes each

saturdays and sundays are 3 hours each but usually i spend one extra hour on saturdays while my gf is at work to farm some gold to pay for consumes
i just feel bad 4 ppl who cant seem to balance their lives to enjoy their hobbies

but im really lucky i suppose bc i inhereted millions of dollars so i literally only have to work for the visa but in a few years i'll get permanent residence here and i'll be able to quit working altogether and be retired by 37

ill probably play even more then :>