How has the Affordable Health Care Act affected you?

I guessing by this thread, and the ones on FB, that most Americans have not found out what changes are in store for them yet.
good thing you have it all figured out

all facets accounted for

i imagine you know how you'll checkmate your opponent before the game even begins as well
unaffordable as fuck, and i'm probably going to get fined for it.

yeah, all of you fucking morons who think this is actualyl good for the middle class can go fuck yourselves

what happened to "its my body and teh government can't tell me what to do when it comes to my personal health choices?" (which is what all of the pro-choice people are constantly saying; the same people who think that Obamacare is good because they can get free birth control and free abortions) Do you want the govt controlling your uterus or not? it sounds like you do.

I love how people are trying to justify this shit by saying "hey everyone calm the fuck down, car insurance has been mandatory for years and years now."

the difference is that owning a car is an option. everyone has a body, and forcing people to purchase insurance that they may or may not use just so some leeching scumbag can get healthcare is rewarding their laziness.

fuck yourselves and fuck this country.

Fine, but if you show up at the emergency room, you pay up front or fuck off. How's that?
unaffordable as fuck, and i'm probably going to get fined for it.

yeah, all of you fucking morons who think this is actualyl good for the middle class can go fuck yourselves

what happened to "its my body and teh government can't tell me what to do when it comes to my personal health choices?" (which is what all of the pro-choice people are constantly saying; the same people who think that Obamacare is good because they can get free birth control and free abortions) Do you want the govt controlling your uterus or not? it sounds like you do.

How do people use the "my body" argument? Nobody is forcing you to do anything to your body, at worst this is just another tax you have to pay to the government.

There's plenty of things to be upset about, but people forcing you to do things to your body is not one of them. Sounds like a bullshit tag line Fox News might spout. Maybe they did and thats where you got it from.
well since I work for a health care company I had to sit through a long and fucking horrendously boring webex session this morning detailing what we should tell people if asked about healthcare changes

I laid in bed and jerked off 1 and 1/2 times

I love working from home
Processionally, it's forced states to begin creating all sorts of new accountable care organizations which has driven a lot of business to my company. So overall... thumbs up. Job Security++

Personally though, not at all.
We know skyrocketing cost didn't occur in Mass. or in any industrialized nations that's adopted it previously.

One of you care to tackle why it would occur here given there isn't a single real world example you can cite that I'm aware of?

Where's that big "The Sky Is Falling" gif when you need it.
ur totally not a liberal brah
The purpose of your rhetoric is to justify your contention that you can FORCE me to do what you want me to do for what you perceive as my benefit and the benefit of society as a whole.

You are an arrogant dreamer who empowers tyranny. Have you ever thought of leaving people alone instead of trying to shove something down peoples throats?

Responsible people who take care of their health and choose not to pay health insurance premiums and also save their money end up having emergency funds for the rainy day.

You don't like that idea because in your mind society is full of irresponsible idiots who cannot take care of themselves and thus need to the state to intervene on their behalf and treat them like children. You are correct in there being many adult children but you don't help them by empowering them through coddling their irresponsible behaviour and attacking those who are responsible.

If I want to risk losing my house or anything then that should be MY BUSINESS and not yours. Would you like to force me to wear body armour for my own protection? Where do people like you draw the line? YOU DON'T. You just keep plodding on from one thing to another towards this abstract notion of a perfect society created via manipulation and force. It doesn't work.

You want to know why it doesn't work? It is because people do not really love their fellow man and when opportunity arises many people take advantage of their fellow man. Thus all people like you do is empower corruption no matter how noble the rhetoric and emotion may appeal.

^^^^this guy gets it /thread

The answer to Obamacare is to let people who want it sign up for it. Let them self fund it too.

Let those who don't want it sign up for something else, do something else.

Except that isn't the type of country we live in. We live in a country where one size fit all blanket policies are not just legitimized, but mandated for everyone. Where your non-compliance to another persons great ideas, often subsidized with your hard earned money, is more taxes/fines for failing to participate.

It really boils down to how far and to what level will we give authoritarians and despots the keys over our lives and property.

At this point I see no end to their insufferable cruelty or idiocy.

We will give them everything in hopes of getting part of something back one day. Then continue to seem outraged when we all get fucked over again.
Obamacare's winners and losers in Bay Area - San Jose Mercury News

Cindy Vinson and Tom Waschura are big believers in the Affordable Care Act. They vote independent and are proud to say they helped elect and re-elect President Barack Obama.

Yet, like many other Bay Area residents who pay for their own medical insurance, they were floored last week when they opened their bills: Their policies were being replaced with pricier plans that conform to all the requirements of the new health care law.

Vinson, of San Jose, will pay $1,800 more a year for an individual policy, while Waschura, of Portola Valley, will cough up almost $10,000 more for insurance for his family of four.


"Of course, I want people to have health care," Vinson said. "I just didn't realize I would be the one who was going to pay for it personally."
sounds like they need to use the market to shop for a new plan

this was always going to be bumpy while our economy adjusted to it but it needed to happen

healthcare in America is an absolute disaster from the way our government treats its veterans to the power insurance companies have to the total disconnect of costs vs. quality of care mandated

it is seriously a bigger threat to our way of life than all the "terrorists" that have ever existed but somehow the media and the right manager to keep people in middle america terrified of them far more than the much more probable scenario of going bankrupt because somebody in the family needs surgery for cancer/heart disease/obesity or some accident they have

government overreaches on a lot of things in America but Healthcare really should be among the few things that it absolutely is able to provide (and collect taxes for)

keeping people safe, healthy and educated.....what the fuck is the point of a government if not for at least those things?

get it implemented and then we can talk about all the cuts that need to be made in other areas
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Does anyone remember when people on the left used to argue (correctly IMO) that the government needed to keep their hands off your body when it came to topics like abortion?

Add in an individual mandate plus massive fines and taxes for not partaking in their insurance ponzi and they suddenly not so "pro-choice" anymore.