How do you get out of office donations?

These drives are run by women, yes.

I have donated cash before for a few charity things here but this direct approach with specifics threw me off.

I am asking how you handle or would handle this stuff in your office.

And I am not going to pretend to be some saint like some of you here who would do this without second thought. God forbid I spend 45+ minutes of my own time going to a mall and do this for some family who had too many children to support and that I will never see.

I gladly contribute to TW, my priorities must just be wrong.

just tell them no.

if you don't want to donate, you must have a reason. tell them no, and give them your reason. if you're embarassed of your reason, then theres a good reason for it.

i told the guy at sears I wasn't going to donate to the whatever the fuck soldier fund he was trying to get me to donate to. he asked me why, and I told him because I'm sick of being asked if I watn to donate something every motehrfucking time i go to a store to buy something, and that I've donated more than enough this year.

i don't understand why people are afraid to just say no to this shit. donate if you want, don't if you don't. you don't have to hide or feel guilty. and fuck what other people think.
Just Say No.

We have the same pack of useless bitches here at the office whose sole job seems to be a continual begathon for this charity or that. What the fuck were these people hired for?

I don't give them any excuse other than NO THANKS. Why lie? You don't need an excuse.
I don't have an excuse, I just don't feel like doing all that.

At my previous workplace I said no to babyshowers and other things. I feel differently here, because we have a 360 degree feedback process where we get input from 15 coworkers. I know it shouldn't come into play, but I have seen personal things like this pop up before on assessments here. Especially with women.
I hate the bullshit attitude that someone is a dick if they don't donate

it's the other way are NICE if you are just a regular fucking guy if you don't

yet you can't argue with people because they will think you are a prick if you say no
Are these official office things, or just shit people put together on their own? Does your company have a policy on this? I know people aren't allowed to hassle anyone for crap here. They can post something on a board and that's it.

We do a lot through company sponsored drives, that's all I do.
Donate something useful to said family, a pack of condoms, a wire coat hanger & a guide on adopting out kids.
The only thing more pathetic than not wanting to help those who are less fortunate is trying to avoid it through lying or excuses. Man the fuck up and just say "No, I don't want to help"
A lot of people who are "less fortunate" than me, got that way because they are lazier than me.

Don't have kids if you can't afford it
Not everyone who has a shitty life has one because they are lazy. That's just a cop out so you don't have to give it a second thought.

edit : to be fair you did say "a lot of people" which may be true, thats why you pick and choose carefully who you donate to and why. If you are adopting a family you are doing so to make sure the childs christmas is decent, not the parents. The children don't have a say in what family they are born into you know.
I think about them all the time....and then I laugh as I go swimming in my mountain of money like Scrooge McDuck

:lol: Special K you jerk. You'd be one of the people I get when I ask them if they'd like to stop violence against women and children they reply by saying "I'll just stop beating my wife" and laugh as they walk on by.
I don't have an excuse, I just don't feel like doing all that.

At my previous workplace I said no to babyshowers and other things. I feel differently here, because we have a 360 degree feedback process where we get input from 15 coworkers. I know it shouldn't come into play, but I have seen personal things like this pop up before on assessments here. Especially with women.

Honestly, I think you are stuck donating. You're right though. It shouldn't be an impact on you as a worker. But no doubt, it definitely will.

If it makes you feel any better, you aren't giving money to feed a family. You're giving money so that you can feed your own.
I kid I kid

But I DON'T like people who give others shit for not donating. It's tough times for everyone right now
I wouldn't ever give someone shit for not donating because they have a tight wallet, but I'd definitely give someone shit who is looking for a lie on an internet forum to weasel out of helping some poor fucking child out during the "season of giving" buy him something from the dollar store. Fuck.