houston, why are you sending me cards in the mail?

sorry just spitting facts brah


I know you reee when I call out your own post history

as much as fool thinks I dislike him, id send him an ecard oh his bday if it only took me 30 seconds to click and pick a meme + gif
Speaking of Birthdays...I added an addon for Birthdays and I have not seen it work yet ..harrumph
Kind of like when you squirmed about havax pming you doxer info


hahahahaha big fax

I ruffled his feathers too much. He doesn't know the limits of good social behavior so he takes it offline. Scoobysnack let's it slide because he needs users here and probably worries about becoming sehvi's next target.
liar lying some more lol

and tbh havax is next, not scooby

ur next havax

ur fucking next
Just now catching up.....gimme a second to finish looking at those pics.....mmmm

Ok new theory. Houston sent the card to sehvi who mailed it to Scoobs.