House Fire!

I live behind a hospital and there are a couple old people homes in the area so having a ambulance drive down my street or a firetruck is a common occurrence. So tonight I'm sitting in my living room and a firetruck drives down the block. No big deal. Then an ambulance so I figure another old person has fallen and broken a hip or something. Then a second and third firetruck and I was like,"SHIT"! maybe something serious is going on. I walk down the street four houses and see this house that is pouring out smoke of all the windows then flames it was crazy! Apparently this dude that lives in the house was sleeping and woke up to his house on fire. Thankfully no people were hurt. Unfortunately they had 2 dogs that got locked in a room and died.
yeah apparently the dogs belonged to girl that lived there and she kept them in her room but unfortunately she wasn't home when it happened.
My man RoRo just lost his baby in a house fire
And when I got on my knees that night to pray
I ask God, Why you let these killers live and take my homeboy's son away?
Man, if you got kids, show 'em you love 'em
Cuz God just might call 'em home
Cuz one day they here
And baby, the next day, they gone
jesus fucking christ...

you can see the flashover occur at ~40 seconds

temperatures in the room would exceed 1500* F at the time flash over occurred

even if you were a firefighter in full protective gear (coat, pants, boots, hood, gloves, SCBA) you would not survive