Home gyms: What do you use?

Homeostasis is an overarching process of the body for self-regulation. Insulin, testosterone, estrogen, adrenaline, the list goes on and on.
See what thirty seconds of the Google can do?

I always picture juggsy as a Homer Simpson wearing glasses when you come back here and give us an executive summary of a Wikipedia page.
You asked what was affected by homeostasis. I think about the only process would be something like skeletal growth. And even that possibly could be

If you go back to page 5 it's pretty clear the discussion was about supplements used from a fitness perspective. See thread topic for further details :shrug:
Yeah I forgot I shouldn't expect you to connect the dots in the context of the actual thread topic and work out implied meaning. Next time I'll phrase the question more clearly, using smaller words. Deepest apologies :rolleyes:

Also: Adrenaline :rofl:. Fuck it I'm gonna stop taking that stuff HERPADERP.
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mitch this thread is about boner pills now

which ones do u recommend?

Stella. Did you know if you drink 15 Stellas you can't get a boner? Then the next day, if you don't drink 15 Stellas, you can. That's what I recommend and it also proves Juggs theory, If you take 15 cans of Stella and then stop taking it, your body naturally won't produce any more Stella and it produces boners instead.

This doesn't apply to Bud Light.
Yeah I forgot I shouldn't expect you to connect the dots in the context of the actual thread topic and work out implied meaning. Next time I'll phrase the question more clearly, using smaller words. Deepest apologies :rolleyes:

Also: Adrenaline :rofl:. Fuck it I'm gonna stop taking that stuff HERPADERP.

It just is impossible for you to accept that you don't know as much as you think you know.

You're wrong, this isn't the first time, it wont be the last, get used to it now midget

and kys