Home gyms: What do you use?

High doses...


That's not really "It's true of everything else in the body", is it?

Pretty much. your body's various processes are governed by levels. Once your body reaches a certain level, it stops producing whatever it is. That is how the body self regulates. But the body doesn't know if it has reached that level due to its own production or outside introduction, just that it has reached the 'cutoff' level
Pretty much. your body's various processes are governed by levels. Once your body reaches a certain level, it stops producing whatever it is. That is how the body self regulates. But the body doesn't know if it has reached that level due to its own production or outside introduction, just that it has reached the 'cutoff' level

That seems like a massive oversimplification. Examples of other substances this occurs with in such a precise way?
i recall a thread where a war was started over protein, muscle mass, and fat

should bump that for nostalgia
The body produces excess toxic byproducts when creatine is combined with sharia and twat. Look it up.
That seems like a massive oversimplification. Examples of other substances this occurs with in such a precise way?

look you're not usually hugely off base if you're wrong about things you say, but in this case you are

the "precision" generally comes from enzyme saturation by substrates

it's not like your body has charts tracking how high different levels of things in your body.. rather, your body has physical entities that become full, and when they are full, things build up

also, when the physical entities start to fill up, they may produce other chemicals which, in turn, interact with other shit in your body to signal that it should stop producing whatever the thing is that is at a "high" level

different people have different levels of all of these things, which is why a specific dosing of something doesn't affect everyone equally
That seems like a massive oversimplification. Examples of other substances this occurs with in such a precise way?

Homeostasis is an overarching process of the body for self-regulation. Insulin, testosterone, estrogen, adrenaline, the list goes on and on.