Ho playbook (near) complete

Ya I think ngfm is doing it wrong.

Everyone is different but if kids don't figure out responsibility early in life because you're hovering over them and doing everything for them you're not doing them any favors.
Thanks for telling us he's a boy, and part Asian. That means he probably has a photographic memory. Let him play chess and see if he can play 10 boards at the same time with his back turned. They're also good with music. Violin and piano will be good. Most Asians graduate with MBA's in business. I went to Ashley's graduation and it was filled with Chinese and Asian kids walking up to get their MBA degrees. They get them here in the states then go back home to work.

Ashley is pretty much on her own now. I helped her get through college warning her about the weed out classes and making sure she had tutors. I paid most of her way, but now she has no debt. If a kid has a photographic memory, then they can do college and a job at the same time.

If you help your kid with college, then they can take extra classes and finish early. Same thing with high school. If you have them in private school, then have them take the advanced classes like Calculus, Biology, and Chemistry so they can apply those credits towards college. Those are the 3 weed out classes. The kids have to take a series of them in their 4 years getting a BA. Then you decide whether they go on to get an MBA, which costs big bucks, not covered by scholarships, and goes for 3 years.

These days, a 4 year degree is like high school. So if you want to save up your money and help the kid, think long range to when they need it for the MBA degree. You want your kid to breeze through college? Buy some calculus, biology, and chemistry books as he's growing up. Biology is all memory, kids use flash cards to remember all the stuff.
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Thanks for telling us he's a boy, and part Asian. That means he probably has a photographic memory. Let him play chess and see if he can play 10 boards at the same time with his back turned. They're also good with music. Violin and piano will be good. Most Asians graduate with MBA's in business. I went to Ashley's graduation and it was filled with Chinese and Asian kids walking up to get their MBA degrees. They get them here in the states then go back home to work.

Ashley is pretty much on her own now. I helped her get through college warning her about the weed out classes and making sure she had tutors. I paid most of her way, but now she has no debt. If a kid has a photographic memory, then they can do college and a job at the same time.

If you help your kid with college, then they can take extra classes and finish early. Same thing with high school. If you have them in private school, then have them take the advanced classes like Calculus, Biology, and Chemistry so they can apply those credits towards college. Those are the 3 weed out classes. The kids have to take a series of them in their 4 years getting a BA. Then you decide whether they go on to get an MBA, which costs big bucks, not covered by scholarships, and goes for 3 years.

These days, a 4 year degree is like high school. So if you want to save up your money and help the kid, think long range to when they need it for the MBA degree. You want your kid to breeze through college? Buy some calculus, biology, and chemistry books as he's growing up. Biology is all memory, kids use flash cards to remember all the stuff.

We have molecular chemistry sets already and tuition saved for 4 kids to be doctors. They aren't allowed to come home until they're a doctor.
Thanks for telling us he's a boy, and part Asian. That means he probably has a photographic memory. Let him play chess and see if he can play 10 boards at the same time with his back turned. They're also good with music. Violin and piano will be good. Most Asians graduate with MBA's in business. I went to Ashley's graduation and it was filled with Chinese and Asian kids walking up to get their MBA degrees. They get them here in the states then go back home to work.

Ashley is pretty much on her own now. I helped her get through college warning her about the weed out classes and making sure she had tutors. I paid most of her way, but now she has no debt. If a kid has a photographic memory, then they can do college and a job at the same time.

If you help your kid with college, then they can take extra classes and finish early. Same thing with high school. If you have them in private school, then have them take the advanced classes like Calculus, Biology, and Chemistry so they can apply those credits towards college. Those are the 3 weed out classes. The kids have to take a series of them in their 4 years getting a BA. Then you decide whether they go on to get an MBA, which costs big bucks, not covered by scholarships, and goes for 3 years.

These days, a 4 year degree is like high school. So if you want to save up your money and help the kid, think long range to when they need it for the MBA degree. You want your kid to breeze through college? Buy some calculus, biology, and chemistry books as he's growing up. Biology is all memory, kids use flash cards to remember all the stuff.

Spell Syllables
Synonyms Examples Word Origin
causing great surprise or sudden wonder.
Origin Expand
1520-15301520-30; amaze + -ing2
Related forms Expand
amazingly, adverb
Spell Syllables
verb (used with object), amazed, amazing.
to overwhelm with surprise or sudden wonder; astonish greatly.
Obsolete. to bewilder; perplex.
verb (used without object), amazed, amazing.
to cause amazement :
a new art show that delights and amazes.
Archaic. amazement.
Origin Expand
before 1000; Middle English amasen, Old English āmasian to confuse, stun, astonish. See a-3, maze
also, micromanaging your kids will get you kids who grow up dependent on you. Treat them like adults when they reach puberty, let them make decisions and let them learn about responsibility and consequences, they will make some mistakes but will be much better for it when they are adults.

We never spied on our kids (like the commercials want). Never told them not to drink, smoke, date etc. Talked openly and honestly about pro's and cons of those type decisions. Never pushed College, Military, or anything. Explained what we knew of each, told them choice is theirs.

None of our Kids got pregnant, none arrested, none smoke. all 4 chose college, 3 of which have graduated and working in their fields. The other 2 years in. Never had any real trouble with any of them (couple scares with alcohol, but they survived and learned).

All I do for them now is keep them in shitty cars which I don't mind. pretty sure 2 will be financing new cars this year. Oh, and they all work and never ask for money.

Yeah, we weren't the perfect affectionate parents and that we do regret, but is what is, but all in all we done pretty good I think. For the negative parents, I feel bad for you, I have liked the entire ride from birth to present day, and it just keeps getting better.

I wanted to instantly bash you for being a liberal talking about responsibility, but overall good post.