[hit it or not] did anyone just see lara logan on the daily show?


Veteran X

show was really good today, she talked about how were not hearing anything really important and how were numb to what's really going on over there.

all i could think about was how much i would love to rail that ass :lol:
i couldnt find a pic that did justice to it. lemme get a clip of the recording after i watch this movie. i will probably bump this sometime tomorrow if no one else does beforehand =P
that was a pretty good interview if you can stop dreaming about railing her long enough to listen

edit i linked to it like 3 posts up fool you goob
anything that goes on for 5+ years gets less funny

i just sat thru 3 of those annoying commerical clips and she is totally not that hot and a bit man-ish, also very pale
Fucking SIGNED.

The part where she was talking about chilling with the SEALS and breaking the ice with "whats up motherfuckers" gave me a half chub.


You just know, for the sake of our country, she boned many of our valiant and hardworking servicemen. Maybe even women :brows:

God bless her.
I got the feeling jon wanted to cry at the end of the interview, because she was so fuckin gorgeous and interesting and her life probably puts his pitiful comedic backdrop bullshit to shame.

She's the real deal.