hey vir: go fuck yourself

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Sorry some of your team can't deal with kids making fun of them on the Internet, Red, but I call it like I see it. The 5150 administrative attitude of taking their ball and going home got old in 3rd grade. The fact of the matter is I had a choice of giving up the ladder TW had in development and going with a complete stranger for hosting or trying out your hosting and I decided it was better to keep TW away from you guys because some of your members try and pull rank in video games.

Wonder how they'd fight their fights if they couldn't ban everyone who disagrees with them.
I also call things like I see them. The same old 5 whiners come around and complain about being kicked back in T2 and jump on 5150's jock. The facts are, in BF2 nobody has been banned and Refried got kicked for being a dumbshit.

Maybe someday 5150 can aspire to be as well respected as Tsunami and their fine servers and fair team play, but until then we will keep things the same. I am sure if all these other fine teams could supply servers, they could show 5150 how managing servers is done. Still waiting for that.
what's dumbshit is caring about teamkill penalties, which only results in a kick

and wasn't it already said (by 5150) that all vir did was 'just a kick' ?

I think you're understating the issue, Red. This site may be shit but at least the admins are fair. There's 25 different people in this thread kicked for some ridiculous admin's whim. I don't understand why you wouldn't want your servers admin'ed in a competent manner.
also on that note, every game i have played in an official EA ranked server have been more competitive than any game i have played on 5150

so yeah, they are excellent
T-Refried-455 said:
also on that note, every game i have played in an official EA ranked server have been more competitive than any game i have played on 5150

so yeah, they are excellent

I think some of the competitiveness comes from who can actually get into a ranked EA server ;[
If you're going to bring up the entire history of tribes then yes people actually got banned, some deserved it, heck some probably didn't deserve it. In the current game we are playing there has only been one kick in retail so far though, that's hardly this nazi epic mentality.
I dont think anyone cares if you kicked them in retail or in the demo, its if you kicked them at all.

And for a stupid reason.
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