Here's some information about our lord and savior Bernie Sanders

Well, a lot about Hillary came to light over the past month, and her numbers have decreased. So he's right in saying that things change and there's still a long way to go.

i dont believe that thingfish was swayed on voting for or against hillary due to benghazi or the email bullshit.

I asked him who he is voting for, not who he thinks will win.
Evangelicals and social conservatives make up 60% of the GOP voters in Iowa. So it's no surprise that Santorum won there. It's also no surprise that Carson is close to leading there. The surprise is why Cruz isn't doing better there, since he's a conservative evangelical.
strawman? you just said things would come to light before elections... thats not a argument.

Just dismissing Sanders like that piques my curiousity into your stance.

But fair enough. :spock:

I said things COULD come to light.

I dismiss Sanders because:

- He's old and looks/acts it - Americans won't go for that
- He's Jewish - there are a lot of Americans who won't go for that either
- He has no mainstream cred - that has meant almost everything in the recent past
- He doesn't have the money - media-buys over 5 months will eat a lot of money
- He doesn't have the message - his message is not going to be seen as practical
Okay so you are answering a question i did not ask.


so how about your personal stance?

i am fully aware of the facepalm election in our future, and the status quo that will likely be kept.

but thats not what i asked yo
You're asking who I will vote for and I have told you it would be foolish to decide this early. You don't seem to understand what I'm saying, I guess. So I will be specific - I don't know yet.
as much as i mock bernie, but more so his followers, i love that he is willing to fuck with the banks

dislikes the federal reserve system

which is, coincidentally, why his election doesn't get financed and why he will never be allowed to become our POTUS. I just wonder how they derail him. What fun tactic they come up with to alienate him.

I will vote in the primaries, as always, not just the general election. I do admire you though, Don Quixote. Saving us from windmills and defending the fair Dulcinea and all. Good job, carry on.