hello, I'm a PC

Umm, all 3 button mice work with anything that is post OS9 and they have a driver you can dl to fix that issue regardless.

http://www.macintouch.com said:
Rosetta doesn't support some peripheral drivers (for scanners, graphics tablets, printers, audio/video devices, etc.) or security software

It doesn't say mice or keyboards, but i recall somewhere another review noted that mice and keyboards might be troublesom.

I'm just repeating what i read through reviews today.
For those with bootcamp, are there any problems you've seen? Does it play games and run applications well?

I talked to some apple tech people and the only thing they would tell me is "if it runs on a pc it will run in bootcamp"..that's it :(
It doesn't say mice or keyboards, but i recall somewhere another review noted that mice and keyboards might be troublesom.

I'm just repeating what i read through reviews today.

I know the issue you're talking about and for the mouse it has been fixed. Either the OS will recognize it or you dl the driver. As for keyboards, I can't say, I never plugged a keyboard to the laptop

Yep and the mac book pro is significantly cheaper than it first started (at least that's the way it looks for me) Really, you're asking people, is it worth more money for a user friendly product that is not hard to navigate through? A Mac serves a "noob" better than PC user but the simplicity it provides is what makes it so awesome for me. I find mac osx to be cleaner, sleaker and a lot more stable than any winxp machine i've ever touched. I will be investing in macbook shortly, will I regret spending a few extra $$$? Hell no, I'm getting a quality product and that's it. If you don't like mac, don't buy it but knocking it when you're going on worth of mouth is bs. Use a mac extensively and then come back and tell me you hate it. It's really hard to find someone who hates a mac after they use it for a week/two strong. It's a quality product imo
For those with bootcamp, are there any problems you've seen? Does it play games and run applications well?

I talked to some apple tech people and the only thing they would tell me is "if it runs on a pc it will run in bootcamp"..that's it :(

Well as far as I can tell they are right... I've tried games (Tribes, HL2, BF2), applications (Photoshop, Maya), spent plenty of time just using it to listen to music, browse... no problems so far. It seriously feels like a PC when I am within windows, until I look outside of the screen and realize PC laptops dont look this sexy, nor do they have one mouse button under the trackpad (stupid Apple).

EDIT: oh... I guess one problem I did notice was the keys. Theres no windows key, delete key, ect. I had to get a program within windows to remaps keys so I could use some features like ctrl alt del. Though ithis problem is only for laptops without a keyboard.
For those with bootcamp, are there any problems you've seen? Does it play games and run applications well?

I talked to some apple tech people and the only thing they would tell me is "if it runs on a pc it will run in bootcamp"..that's it :(
You're saying you know how it works but it sounds like you're still in the dark.

Boot Camp is only the software needed to install Windows XP. Once it's installed, it's running the OS natively. It is in every sense a Windows machine. Anything a similar PC machine running Windows can do, yours will do the same.
You're saying you know how it works but it sounds like you're still in the dark.

Boot Camp is only the software needed to install Windows XP. Once it's installed, it's running the OS natively. It is in every sense a Windows machine. Anything a similar PC machine running Windows can do, yours will do the same.

It's like...i know, but i want user experience, see what i mean?

I'm not one to blow down several hundred bucks on something that i've never used or know everything about (intel based macs)
"Factual stuff," I like that term. But you keep on saying these things like it only happens on Macs. Don't you think PCs will break too? If you go through the original manufacturer, it's going to cost you a lot of money and that goes for every in house repair.More like insignificant. But hey, you have to find a flaw in it just because it's Apple, yeah?That's fucking priceless.

The guy tells me you can't install Windows on a Mac, you can't play games and you can't run the same programs. I tell him, "Install Windows."

Now he's asking me why I would install Windows on a Mac. You have the option to have both operating systems. Which you can't do natively on other computers.It's going to cost less because it's going to do one less thing.
I'm not trying to convince anyone to buy a Mac.

I'm merely arguing with people who keep on ardently saying "Macs suck" for no real reason.I'm sure it's real convincing stuff.
200$ more to have the option to boot in either Windows or OS X natively at will is worth it to some people. You will be able to do everything a PC and everything a Mac can.

Dude. I was talking about computers in general. In fact, the thing with the ethernet adapter was for an issue with a PC. But thank you for being so offended by the idea that computers can break. Enjoy paying hundreds of dollars to replace a motherboard when a $5 ethernet adapter would fix a pc :rolleyes:

Enjoy paying extra money for a product you have to convert to a PC in order to fully utilize.
A computer is a computer. Some people like certain computers more than certain other computers.

Blah blah blah.

shut your stupid ignorant mouth right this fucking instant u asshat jizzwaffle. only a noob faggot anus taste would even think that fucker. you're black arn't you? huh? sitting your black ass at your computer that you pound on like a MONKEY and found this forum off your best friend TROY's myspace right? and you think you have an opinion but you DONT. you are the dictionary example of a fucknut you shithat cock dance

I am buying a MacBook Pro 15 inch, 7200 rpm drive, going to up to 2 gb ram.

I mainly use it for word processing and web browser.. but I am in love with the screen and OS.