Helldivers 2

game looks fucking sick. does ps5 use adaptive triggers well too?

this game uses them in an 'OK' way, you can take up the slack on the trigger and it only fires at the final bite point

a lot of PSVR2 games do it better though, and the trigger will be entirely slack if the gun is empty, or it will have tension at the bite point if there is a round in the chamber

let's play havax! we gotta stop the aliens for democracy :clap:
this game rules.
It's like Starship Troopers is a cuck, and Planetside2 is the bull and got Warhammer40k pregnant, and this game is the result.
I do not get the attraction to this game. I have not played it, but I've watched it streamed.

It's terrible.

For me its the non-stop action. Watched a stream for a half hour. I just don't have the energy for that anymore. :lol: boomer

That is why I like Squad....more tactical and time in between. Hell if Eve wasn't so time consuming I would still play it. Only games I play anymore is World of Tanks, Warships and Squad.
It's only non-stop action if your team is full potato and running around aggro'ing the patrols and triggering endless bug breaches and dropship calls.

It's also overwhelming (IMO) when you start out, because the game throws a lot of stuff at you while you are trying to remember all the buttons it expects you to push.
u mean it's only fun when u are non stop potato and go off and pull patrols into the group

The orginal game had an all-time peak of 6,000 concurrent players
I've sunk 70+ hrs into the game already, maxed out everything. I enjoy it a lot for being as simple as it is. This is with friends of course. I never really played whatever type of game this is before I think or the first one. I dunno. This was before the shit storm login issues happened. I wouldn't recommend the game until you can actually log in but even with joining some random games it was still fun. I sorta wish there was better/more variety for guns or something to hunt for or whatever. But the first HD apparently had a shit ton of dlc so maybe 2 will as well
Nice. I've only got like 15 hours in but about to go play with some friends IF we can get in.. Servers have been down a lot this weekend.
Also, I didn't watch the video because I tend to not listen to a lot of review stuff and just like to personally see myself. But skimming through this post, I'll give my few thoughts. I virtually had no issues with the game on launch. Framewise and connection wise, no drops, everything on ultra. No dips in performance. The only issue I had was sometimes trying to join random games was a pain with constant fails. But I played with friends 99% of the time and had zero complaints until the servers blew up and no one can barely connect.

As for the battlepass, I play as a not spending anymore than the default game price kind of player. You literally can find cash shop currency in the game, just playing. Yeah you can hunt for them, but I've found and earned (from the free battlepass) easily over 3k just playing the game. Which is enough to buy the premium battlepass. And yes, while the premium battlepass has stuff not available in the normal one, it really doesn't make a difference. Literally the best gun in the game right now is the auto shotgun breaker in the free pass imo. All of the best boosters are in the free one. Basically nothing really amazing in the premium, it's just sorta there and another thing to complete when you're done with the normal imo.

I feel like that review is inaccurate, and his complaints are exaggerated or based on confusion with the way the game works.

His technical issues related to performance are subjective, his complaints about massive disconnects while playing are non-existent as far as I've experienced. The only issue is the quickplay matchmaking is broken and is struggling to put players into public games with each other. A product of the games unexpected popularity and their infrastructure coping with the demand. I've never experienced any major issues joining/hosting games with friends, nor any latency issues while playing.

As for the charge of the game being "obscenely monetized" ... that I don't get. You can buy the premium currency, named "Super Credits", but you also earn them by playing the game. Obviously, you earn them slowly in the game, but I've played over the weekend and have 770SC and you only need 1000SC to unlock the premium section of the "battlepass" which, as far as I can see has nothing overtly "pay 2 win" in it. There is a rotating set of items you can spend SC on, but again ... nothing that doesn't have a comparable item you can unlock for free.

The items in the battlepass itself are unlocked using the points (Medals) earned for completing the missions... the amount of grind involved correlates to the time played. Obviously, the less time spent playing, the more grindy it will seem and the more risk you take by playing harder difficulty modes and taking time to scavenge extra medals found as loot in the game, the faster your progression to unlock things will be. You can't buy your way through it with money.
i was about to say hey for what it's worth at least lemon made a great thread for the first time in ages