
UberGuy (FT) said:
A lot of the T2 activity goes on either in IRC or on the Gameshrine Euro forums.

T2 scripting is totally alive and well. Myself, Diogenes and several others, some of whom are new to the scene are still making new products.

The fact that there are a number of T1 elitests here who seem to have nothing better to do than to rip T2 probably doesn't help.

It would behoove people to stick to talking about what they want and/or are contributing, and leave the dick waving about what game is better at the door.

perhaps i shouldn't have mentioned t2 at all then

the point I was trying to get across, was that for a "dead game", there seems to be quite a bit of activity from a large variety of people.
Kaiten Commande said:
Yeah that is the ironic thing about this T1 > T2 thing.. You all seem to want Tribes to look like Tribes 2. :eek:

Why not play T2 & get it over & done with. :p

because T2 is not T1, and for the hundredthy time...Gameplay, fun meter, learning curve, are all different when compairing the two 'different games' makeing one look like the other doesnt mean its then same. Game play i feel is more important then looks, even though looks are very nice :)
R@ND0M said:
perhaps i shouldn't have mentioned t2 at all then

the point I was trying to get across, was that for a "dead game", there seems to be quite a bit of activity from a large variety of people.

Very very true. PLus i have a feeling that half the people saying its a dead game is just saying that cause everyone else is and they wanted to be cool and jump on the bandwagon as well. Competition isnt the same but the game is still great and much played still. People just seem to want to be cool then different.
R@ND0M said:
there seems to be quite a bit of activity from a large variety of people.
A lot of activity as in ripping the models and textures from a copyrighted game ;)
I wonder why dierra has not stopped this illegal activity already :look:
ilys said:
A lot of activity as in ripping the models and textures from a copyrighted game ;)
I wonder why dierra has not stopped this illegal activity already :look:

same company made both games, textures, skins, animations, yada yada yada, so theres no real 'stealing' of stuff going on. Since its all in the same company and area. Plus T1 had the name 'Tribes" before 'Tribes 2' did, hence T2 stole the 'Tribes' name...go figure
neither does saying using models from another game is "stealing"
the majority of people arguing have no idea how a "mod" works

let it go, idiots