Have you ever suddenly realized one of your friends is gay?


Veteran XV
Just happened to me with a friend who I've known for a few years but was never close enough to get the "insider" information, apparently.

I went out to a few date parties with her and was always into her, but just realized from her facebook page (stalker) that she had the tell-tale signs: fan of LGBT studies, no "Likes: Men" listed, and a member of a Lesbian night club group. In addition, she works in EMS and has multiple pictures of her in work boots and uniform.

I can't believe I never saw it before and am a little sad that she never just told me.
Me and her a few years ago.

yeah two of my childhood best friends ended up being gay. one guy had this ruse for months where he claimed to be seeing "stephanie" who ended up being a guy named "steven." and i'm still not sure if another guy i've been friends with for about 6 years
im terrible at telling if ppl are gay. back in hs a friend came out in an email to everyone and even though I read it i didn't realize he was coming out.

a couple months later someone casually mentioned it and i was like what!??!