Have ya ever met a happy atheist?

also I just wanna throw it out there that humans have been hot air ballooning since 1783
africans had supersonic passenger jet flight as early as 8000 years ago, but white christian males destroyed the technology
Have you ever met a mentally challenged child? A mentally challenged adult? Have you ever spent time around them at all?

How many that you met were professed atheists? I'm betting zero. How many listed Angola, Japan, or Iceland as their favorite country? Again, I'm betting zero.

They love the Christian God, and they love the USA. All of them.

I realize you're having difficulty confronting the implications and parallels with yourself difficult, but you're at some point you're going to have to man up or run away. You don't have a lot of options.

And I bet you think they're just despicable retarded Christians, don't you? Maybe you should just stop working around retarded children because you're known to fly into fits of rage every once in awhile against people you don't agree with. It wouldn't look good on your resume if you attacked a retarded kid for being a no good dirty Christian, now would it?
And I bet you think they're just despicable retarded Christians, don't you? Maybe you should just stop working around retarded children because you're known to fly into fits of rage every once in awhile against people you don't agree with. It wouldn't look good on your resume if you attacked a retarded kid for being a no good dirty Christian, now would it?

Again, we're running into the same barrier: you want to know what I think, and you care about my thoughts; your feelings are unrequited. (look it up.)
i just looked it up:

b feelings plural : susceptibility to impression : sensitivity the remark hurt her feelings
Christian Religion stands for reeeeeeeeligion

Its designed for old white people to reeee about everyone they dont like
I don't know exactly what I'd be labeled as. I don't believe in organized religion, but i do believe in a creator. I just don't think that the creator cares about man or even knows we exist. I think our relationship to the creator is like the relationship between a baker and mold on a loaf of bread in a huge bakery.
The baker made an environment conducive to mold growing, but not specifically for the mold. He doesn't know the mold is there, doesn't care about or like the mold and likely when he does discover the mold, he won't be happy because its fucking up his creation
sky wizard told me to treat all others as id like to be treated so i make broad generalizations about large groups of people just as i'd like others to do to me
I can kill in the name of no one just as easily as in the name of a particular God.
sky wizard told me to treat all others as id like to be treated so i make broad generalizations about large groups of people just as i'd like others to do to me
I read this at least 10 time. also I'm stoned. edibles are fun

speaking of we can't "buy" edibles for another year.
weed is going to be harder to get now that it's legal ffs
I read this at least 10 time. also I'm stoned. edibles are fun

speaking of we can't "buy" edibles for another year.
weed is going to be harder to get now that it's legal ffs

lol yep, crazy ain't it

it'll probably take a decade+ to get back to where we are now

speaking of edibles and crazy...

i went HAM at this weekends canna farmers market, im stocked up for a while :) they keep feeding u free samples until ur broke, its fantastic

i stumbled out happy with a full shopping bag

and they think im gonna order it from a gov't website? lol