Has anyone here looked into time travel?

Some idiot tried to sell me a share of it but they weren't aware I've got nothing but.
Theorized about time travel when I was 13...
If I remember correctly I ended up thinking going back in time is impossibility (assuming time is linear). Cause if you go back in time and change anything, then the past would have unfolded differently ending up preventing the whole going back in time possibility.

Imagine just breathing back in the past would change the air molecules which would change the past so that in present day you wouldn't be able to go back in time.

I remember some dude in Joe Rogan being of the same mind (he went on further to say if Time traveling would be invented now, it would be a point of reference to which anyone from future could come to but not further past in time). Nick Bostrom I think ?

Haven't given this any though since then though. I might be totally off, but this brought back memories :)
I watching Farscape right now, a TV show that came out in 2000. In the 4th season, they talk about time travel, because the main character travels through worm holes in space. He travels back to earth 20 years before he left, and has to keep his dad from flying on the doomed Challenger. In this series, there can be many time lines depending on what the main character does. If something is changed in the past, they are on another time line and the future is different. So they're saying if you go back, it has to be after you left. Otherwise there are ripple effects.

Time travel movies are good if they make sense with the time line.
traveling backwards in time is probably a meaningless idea, we don't leave copies of ourselves in the past anymore than we leave copies of ourselves in space

it's like in the documentary stephen king langoliers
I watching Farscape right now, a TV show that came out in 2000. In the 4th season, they talk about time travel, because the main character travels through worm holes in space. He travels back to earth 20 years before he left, and has to keep his dad from flying on the doomed Challenger. In this series, there can be many time lines depending on what the main character does. If something is changed in the past, they are on another time line and the future is different. So they're saying if you go back, it has to be after you left. Otherwise there are ripple effects.

Time travel movies are good if they make sense with the time line.


Time travel intensive movie
If you like weird shit, your best bet is to read a book called The Montauk Project: Experiments in Time and read everything you can about The Montauk Project and Camp Hero: America’s Weirdest State Park is Haunted by Strange Creatures and Psychic Spy Experiments, which was renamed from the Montauk Air Force Station.

Crazy shit like the Nazi Bell and the Nazi technology from working on the Bell came back to Camp Hero through Paperclip where you might have heard of the Philidelphia Experiment.

There is a podcast I enjoy listening to called The Higherside Chats - THC that has fucking weird ass shit and 1 of the episodes he did several years ago was THC 74: Peter Moon | The Montauk Project, Chi Gong, & The Secret Romanian Hall of Records.

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