[Halo 2... or not?] Halo 2.5 Confirmed

-]DoW[-RedDeath said:
unreal just added a few novelty features, who the fuck releases a game for $50 and then does a sequel that's exactly the same the year after?

quake has been de-evolving. it started out as a game with somewhat of a plot and bosses, then kinda got "bleh" in quake 2, then quake 3 was just the devs saying "fuck it, this is just a tech demo to pimp our engine"

What I think is great is how they oviously thought that with DooM 3, and to this day I have not heard of one game using that engine.
the only reason this is any big deal to me is because they mentioned it being pre-loaded on the halo2 HDD. just saying its a launch title is eh and kind of cheap on thier part, but having it pre-loaded is awesome. i would have gotten the xb2 with the hd anyway.
TheGhost said:
Tribes 1 had no story, and I still liked it. I want a good fast paced game, with hundreds of hours worth of playing.
tribes had a huge story behind it, just nobody ever paid attention to it. i for one read the manual about a zillion times, pretty cool shit.
Kestrel said:
why do all the "hardcore" halo 1 players hate halo 2? can't pistol snipe?
My friends played comp halo1 and they all quit after a month (mostly) because of the cheating and just sloppy gameplay. The ability to grab things through walls (flags, bombs, guns) is a great thing! They also hated the new uber-autoaim especially on the sniper, and thought the sword was noob-riffic. I think the biggest thing was the cheating though, and I'll admit that if any PC fps had glitches like that the community would be yelling for a patch. Alas, it's awfully hard to patch a console game unless you've built in some sort of system for handling patching.