[Halo 2... or not?] Halo 2.5 Confirmed

Reggs said:
If your refering to UT2k4 ---> UT2k5 then the 2k5 content is free to owners of 2k4. UT2k4 is the best value puchase of the year.
Sure it will be. Just like UT2k3 people got UT2k4 content for free. Oh wait...
I thought the 2k3--->2k4 was pretty damn fair with all the stuff 2k4 brought to the table. Ppl still got a discount wich is more than most companies would have done.
Dont know if it's been mentioned yet, but the rumor I heard was that 2.5 was going to be preloaded on the XB2, but who knows, I dont think the HD has even been annouced yet.
Nutcracker said:
that's hardly a launch title, they should have just launched halo 2 with xbox 2 and done a proper job, imho that would be a better move. But they wanted to pick up more console sales when the sales are slow...
the game itself is evidence of this, halo2 outgrew the xbox, it runs so sloppily it seems like bungie was expecting it to be an xbox2 game since it was released unfinished :shrug:
Reggs said:
Bungie did say the Halo 2 eng was built with next gen in mind as well as XB1
yeah thats why the bump mapping turns on in the middle of a cutscene instead of at the beginning of it.
Reggs said:
If your refering to UT2k4 ---> UT2k5 then the 2k5 content is free to owners of 2k4. UT2k4 is the best value puchase of the year.
no im really talking about UT being awesome then 2k3 to 2k4 to 2k5 being shit.
Kestrel said:
why do all the "hardcore" halo 1 players hate halo 2? can't pistol snipe?
thats what im saying.

their main excuse is is that its a battle of who can whore first. this is true on nub match making servers, maybe. but if you play custom games with the comp community (just like top tribers dont play with 'supersniperx2003' newbies), the game is much different. dual smgs just dont work agaist talented players with the BR.

but whatever, if they want the godlike pistol and underdevloped MP mode then so be it.
i liked halo1 so much i played halopc competatively.
and i like halo2, just havent played much multiplayer since i have a modded xbox :shrug:
DrJacabo said:
i liked halo1 so much i played halopc competatively.
and i like halo2, just havent played much multiplayer since i have a modded xbox :shrug:
u played comp with who?
sw!tch said:
thats what im saying.

their main excuse is is that its a battle of who can whore first. this is true on nub match making servers, maybe. but if you play custom games with the comp community (just like top tribers dont play with 'supersniperx2003' newbies), the game is much different. dual smgs just dont work agaist talented players with the BR.

but whatever, if they want the godlike pistol and underdevloped MP mode then so be it.
Fucking dot.
I love Halo 2 MP.
The only reason I'm not playing it lately is because I have work to do and I know that if I touch that controller I'm not putting it down :(

All the hardcore halo 1 fans I know love halo 2.

I don't see how it runs sloppy either. Never noticed any slowdowns myself.
Not trying to stand up for it, but I seriously don't get why all the hate.
There was no dissapointment with Halo 2. Anyone who says otherwise needs to re-examine their ability to be a gamer.
The Pistol was ridiculous in Halo 1. I think Halo 2 is a more balanced game. Though, on smaller maps, I find the energy sword annoying.
sw!tch said:
and will probably split the community more than it needs to (many 'pro' and 'hardcore' H1 players have already quit due to the disappointment in H2),

Like MS gives a shit what elitist H1 players think? They sold a shitload of copies of Halo 1, made a bajillion dollars, why do they care what Halo 1 players think when 2 is selling amazing?
sw!tch said:
But this is an FPS. It's uncommon to see expansions. Patches yes, but when you change a game, you gotta CHANGE it. Quake got this right. Which is why it's been so many years until they release a q4.

Unreal has got, and quite possibly Halo will be getting, this wrong.
unreal just added a few novelty features, who the fuck releases a game for $50 and then does a sequel that's exactly the same the year after?

quake has been de-evolving. it started out as a game with somewhat of a plot and bosses, then kinda got "bleh" in quake 2, then quake 3 was just the devs saying "fuck it, this is just a tech demo to pimp our engine"
the pistol in halo1 was just fucking ridiculous, halo2 seems a lot more balanced and i like the dual wielding shit (smg + pistol is win). Microsoft is going to flood the market with so much halo shit that the game is going to get old fast, and hopefully with these updates bungie can hire some decent MP level designers
-]DoW[-RedDeath said:
unreal just added a few novelty features, who the fuck releases a game for $50 and then does a sequel that's exactly the same the year after?

quake has been de-evolving. it started out as a game with somewhat of a plot and bosses, then kinda got "bleh" in quake 2, then quake 3 was just the devs saying "fuck it, this is just a tech demo to pimp our engine"

I disagree, the story has sucked, but all 3 have had great multiplayer.

Quakeworld, Q2/AQ2, and Q3/OSP/CPM were great. The deathmatch aspect hasn't been hurting at all (I have this feeling 4 is going to suck though ;[). Story can suck my left nut for "fast paced shooter" games, Tribes 1 had no story, and I still liked it. I want a good fast paced game, with hundreds of hours worth of playing.
mw-uno said:
u played comp with who?

me, mattack,champion, _neil, someother people.

i played two matches then my internet went to hell for a month and when i came back the others went back to playing counterstrike